Disgusting Media: Still "Stuck on Stupid!"

It was disgusting enough when the lamestream media blamed President George W. Bush for the horrible aftermath of Hurricane Katrina thirteen years ago accusing him of not caring and not sending enough help because FEMA was inept. The alphabet television and cable networks were showing all the damage done and asking the ominous questions: "Will New Orleans ever recover?" (Did it?).   "Will they ever play another game in the Super Dome?"  (Have they?). Accurate as usual!  They never spoke of the mayor of New Orleans, Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin being an incompetent boob (which he is/was).  He later became Federal Inmate Number 32751 but that's another story.  The media never blamed the then-governor of Louisiana Kathleen Blanco (D) for her incompetence.  Nope!  Why wasn't FEMA there on the ground, the media echoed.  Either the media was lying, obfuscating or they were just plain stupid--or all of the above. They should have known (and I'm sure they did) that it was not the federal government's responsibility before Katrina hit.  The first responsibility was from Mayor Nagin's office in conjunction with Governor Blanco's office.  Nagin completely ignored attempts to get his citizens out of harm's way.  Amtrak began moving their trains and let the mayor know they could take 400 passengers with them--he refused.  There were 1200 school buses that could have been used but they sat idol and were subsequently destroyed by the flood waters.  But the media kept telling us what a tragedy it was that President Bush and FEMA were callously refusing help.  

Actually, President Bush called and begged Governor Blanco to batten down the hatches and get New Orleans citizens out of harm's way.  Her response? She said on the Saturday before the storm hit that she was thinking about it and she was going to discuss it the next day with her cabinet!  By the way, she didn't run for re-election. But Bush was blamed and Ray Nagin became a "media darling."  All that was disgusting to watch and finally when the feds got a grip on things, two great heroes appeared.  First was one of the top commanders in the U. S. Coast Guard, Admiral Thad Allen (who shortly thereafter became the Commandant) took charge and things started getting drastically better right away.  Another commander was Lieutenant General Russell Honore' who put the press in its place when the next storm, Hurricane Rita, was coming gave a press briefing telling them what was learned from Hurricane Katrina and how'd they'd do differently this time.  He told the reporters, "Not to get stuck on STUPID."  He told 'em not to ask questions about the last storm.  But right on cue some doofus in the press corps piped right up and asked, "Why didn't we do this last time?"  LTG Honore' rose magnificently to the occasion by yelling at him, "YOU ARE STUCK ON STUPID...any other questions?"  There were none that I recall but I was too busy watering the plants I was laughing so hard!  

Now 13 years later not only is the media still stuck on stupid but they doubled and tripled down on it. One reporter tried to pull a Katrina tactic.  An NBC reporter doing a shot on the Today Show during Katrina was reporting from a small boat and telling America about the terrible flood waters in the Crescent City. But shortly after the report began a citizen with a bag of supplies walked right behind the boat on camera splashing through less-than-ankle-deep water.  Even Matt Lousy and the other crew broke up.  Just last week another reporter got on his knees making it appear he was in knee-deep water while you could clearly see people a few feet away behind him walking by with little water on the sidewalk.  

Headlines saying, "Hurricane Florence' headed for east coast.  President Trump complicit."  Suddenly there was a flood (pun intended) of stories about President Trump and FEMA's incompetence handling Hurricane Maria when it hit Puerto Rico.  The president had disputed news stories that over 3,000 people had died because of Maria.  The initial reports said 64...a lot but a far cry from 3,000+.  Trump wanted to know where all those other deaths came from and questioned the authenticity of the story.  The highest number I remember was 1,000, not 3,000.  He had every right to question the accuracy of those stories.  The most disgusting part was that we--the U. S. A.--did such a poor job responding to Puerto Rico's plight.  Are you just kidding me?  POOR RESPONSE?  We spent billions getting that ISLAND back on it's feet.  Getting supplies there was extremely difficult since they had to come in by air and sea.  We were also dealing with Hurricane Harvey in Houston and elsewhere.  That moonbat mayor of San Juan, an obvious Trump-hater, is still complaining.  She had press conferences screaming and crying that her citizens were dying of thirst because President Trump had sent no help.  She said this while standing in front several hundred pallets of BOTTLED WATER!  She was still blasting the president on Anderson Cooper 245  or something like that for doing nothing.  

We had to completely rebuild their antiquated electric grid that hadn't been touched in over 40 years.  Because of flooding we couldn't get to many areas at first and dropping supplies by chopper was impractical since who would be there to get it?  Many of those cities are under corrupt administrations which may not distribute the food and supplies to the people who need them.  We did everything possible and more and not a single other nation came forward to help.  Don't tell me the cretins in the media KNOW this.  They are deliberately lying trying to get rid of this president and nothing is working.  It's the proverbial "water off a duck's back" and they're so desperate they've finally gone completely insane.  So desperate that they have now tried to discredit his Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh with a sexual assault charge from HIGH SCHOOL!   

You deserve better from your media in this country.  What has happened to real journalism?  What should happen to reporters who deliberately report lies of obfuscate the story?  Let me know!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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