"Euphoria" is Euphemism

His words echo through the decades, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev who was the face of the Russian Communist Party from 1953 to 1964 issued a warning to the United States: "We will bury you..." was only part of it, but the most chilling part of his warning was: "...and we'll do it without firing a shot." It was straight forward and chillingly matter-of-fact. Most of us laughed...but so did he. His laugh, however, didn't have a shred of humor--it was diabolical and as evil as anything humanly possible. We have not heeded the warning. Film producer Howard Hughes (before he went off the "deep end") got fed up with Hollywood and went on to other pursuits and when asked why he left replied, "The place has too many Communists." Walt Disney tried to warn us too. Disney hated Communists and went before Congress on several occasions warning about the infiltration of the entertainment industry by them. He must be spinning in his grave with what's happened to his empire. And his warnings fell on the same deaf ears as the boarder patrol agents warning today's office holders about the crisis on our southern boarder. But taking over the entertainment business is just the first step. The Russians knew that a fighting war with the most powerful and best equipped military in the world would lead to a bloodbath and with mutually-assured destruction in a nuclear war was even more undesirable. So how to defeat the most powerful and richest country in the history of mankind? "Incrementalism." The old question, "How do you eat an elephant?" Answer: "One bite at a time." Win the hearts and minds of the children. The entertainment industry was the initial step making movies with anti-capitalist themes and dialogue. They knew that the best way to destroy a great society is to study what makes it great and start ridiculing it.

In case you didn't (or don't) recognize it, it goes like this: Capitalism is pure greed; the family unit isn't necessary; recreational sex is normal; God is a myth and religion has no place in the public square or school, distort history, just to name a few. Hollywood was just the beginning, the mass media was another target like newspapers, radio and with television growing by leaps and bounds that was next. Nothing was overlooked as they began taking over the pulpit and schools. We hear of so-called "Christian" pastors who say they either doubt or do not believe in the virgin birth. If that's true then you can't call yourself a Christian because that's the foundation of The Church. Hitler was well aware when he and his henchmen formed the Hitler Youth where the kids turned on their own parents, turning them into the state. Go after the children. The American free enterprise system and American Greatness isn't born in the bloodstream.

Over the decades the Communists have used their incrementalism philosophy of "two steps forward, one step back." You win a couple of battles and you lose a third, but you keep coming and corrupting children is the key. More and more sex scenes and vulgar language began creeping in from "damn" and "hell" to much worse. If the "s" word and "f" word were not in the English language, Hollywood could hardly make a film anymore. Then--here comes cable television where FCC guidelines prohibiting vulgar language is exempt. One episode of The Sopranos disgusted me so much I had no desire to watch another one so the DVD set I bought for the first season is collecting dust. Yet it was a smash hit as was Sex in the City and all I needed to know was in a promo I watched. Again, another smash hit. Well, HBO is at it again. Now it's with a former Disney star, Zendaya in another piece of perversion called Euphoria that is billed as "a group of high school students as they navigate love and friendships in a world of drugs, sex, trauma, and social media." According to HBO's description the show's creator and executive producer Sam Levinson as a depiction of drug use, and not an effort to glamorize drugs. PUH-LEEZE! Of course, Levinson (Barry Levinson's son) was in and out of rehab several times before he reached his 20th birthday and he's trying to portray this as mainstream. Well maybe it was for him and his Hollywood buddies but it's not.

The premier was Sunday night, June 16th at 10 p.m. and Zendaya's message beforehand read like this: "Just a reminder before tonight's premiere, that Euphoria is for mature audiences. It's a raw and honest portrayal of addiction, anxiety and the difficulties of navigating life today. There are scenes that are graphic, hard to watch and can be triggering. (Interesting choice of words--triggering what?) Please watch if you feel you can handle it. Do what's best for you. I will still love you and feel your support. Love, Daya." Now what the heck does that mean? How would you know if "you can handle it" if you haven't seen it? And thank goodness Daya is still going to love us either way! But how bad and explicit is it? One actor got so disgusted by the sexual scenes and all the nudity, he walked off the set! Pretty rare in this day and age. Levinson actually seems to think that this will discourage kids using drugs and if you believe that I have an old bridge here I want to sell you. Wasn't there some other social media garbage recently that was supposed to discourage teen suicide? Remember how that turned out? I rest my case. This filth is unnecessary. Once upon a time we went to the movies for a release, to be inspired, to see the "good guys" win. Not much of that anymore and we'd better start standing up to it and demanding they turn back to real entertainment.

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