Shut Up and Kick!

The words of my mother come echoing back whenever my favorite team loses a sporting event, "Don't be a poor loser!" What could be worse? How 'bout a "poor winner?" Enter the U. S. Women's Soccer Team that just pulled off their second World Cup Championship in a row. What an accomplishment not only to have won but did it in true championship style--they never trailed in a game and finally beat their Dutch opponents 2-0 for the title. Full disclosure: I'd rather watch paint dry or grass grow than watch a soccer match but if I HAD to watch a soccer game I'd rather watch the women play than the men. Even I was excited and fired up about our team's performance and we staunchly defended them when they were criticized after they "slaughtered" Thailand 13-0 for "celebrating too much." God forbid you get excited about scoring a goal in soccer which about as rare as blue diamonds! So what's our reward??? Instead of showing their appreciation to America for spending lots of money sending them there and cheering them on to victory, they used their soccer skills to kick us in the teeth!

Led by team captain Megan (lavender hair) Rapinoe they trashed America by throwing the American flag on the ground and stepping on it (one team member did have the decency to pick it up) and Rapinoe herself turning into the female (I'm guessing that's how she wants to be identified) version of Colin Kappelpepper and refused to stand for the National Anthem. This ungrateful wretch has made headlines by the left-wing media--excuse the redundancy--criticizing President Trump saying she doesn't respect him, to say the least, and would refuse and invitation to the White House and added that she doubted she'd get one anyway. The President retorted with: "Win first!" They did and he's a much better man than she is, the invitation will probably come and she will show how petty she is by not showing up.

It's no secret that I think Barry Sotoro (a-k-a Barack Obama) was our worst President but had I been on a team that accomplished something as prestigious as a WORLD championship and been invited by the President of the United States to our White House you can bet your buns I'd have shown up. What an honor and how many more are you going to get in your lifetime? Putting my personal feelings aside, I would gladly accept the invitation and even pose for a picture or's not about ME...and Megan, you cretin, it's not about YOU either. I don't care how well you can kick a soccer ball and could not care less if you ever play again--you show no class--you're disgusting! Unlike a stupid ex-football quarterback who hates the National Anthem and the Betsy Ross Flag, YOU Megan are not confined to our shores, you are representing America on the WORLD stage, you are supposed to be setting the bar high for us and an example for young women here and world-wide. YOU BLEW IT! And your disgusting toilet mouth dropping the "F" word not just in an interview you dropped the aforementioned word during your rambling speech yesterday.

These women--I'll refrain from calling most of them "ladies" since most of them are not acting like one--got a heroes' welcome when they returned. They got a ticker-tape parade in an era when no one uses ticker tape anymore. Maybe my memory is failing but I don't recall REAL heroes, like all the fire fighters and other first responders in New York City getting a ticker tape parade after 9-11. We Americans put up a lot of money for them to make the trip in the first place and this is the thanks we get? Megan and her confederates call America unfair and instead of saying thanks she decided to politicize it saying the women aren't getting paid enough and should make as much as the men. I agree, and as soon as you start bringing in as much money as the men and get as many sponsorships as the men you can get the same pay. Megan is paid $150,000 in base salary and with endorsements and personal appearances probably gets more than a $1 million or more. When you hear Megan speak it's amazing, she sounds as dumb as her hero AOC--and believe me that's a feat! Yet she told Anderson Cooper on the Communist News Network that she had received invitations from AOC and Up-Chuck Schumer to visit Congress but not the White House, of course, Heaven forbid!

Megan, in her remarks at Wednesday's parade, used the platform to talk about how we need to "change the world." Sorry to inform you, Megan, you are not there to change the world, you were there to play soccer. The least you could have done was thank America for all we've done for you and your teammates giving you this wonderful opportunity and then you could have gone on your left-wing rant. BUT NOOOOO! You're an ingrate! You have proven you don't deserve your elevated status with your pathetic "social justice" stand. The current President would be well within his rights to refuse to invite you to the White House--YOU DON'T DESERVE IT! Take some of your money and buy some food and clean water for the illegal aliens at our southern boarder so they won't have to drink out of toilets--and take AOC and Up-Chuck with you. Better yet--stay there!

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