To Pledge or Not to Pledge

Are we waking up? God knows I hope so because the left and the Communists are winning way too many battles these days fulfilling their promise/threat, "We will bury you--and do it without firing a shot." At last some folks standing up in Minnesota of all places. At least 100 angry protesters vented their fury Monday night (July 8, 2019) when St.Louis Park city council announced their decision after a--get this to see how much trouble we're actually in--voted unanimously banning the Pledge of Allegiance in "consideration" of the city's "diverse community." The protesters stormed the council chambers, waving American flags shouting "U-S-A!" And then reciting the Pledge. God bless 'em! It's way past time to start fighting back on these incremental steps to destroy America and our foundation on the Holy Bible and God. The Founding Fathers were unambiguous about this who made it clear that if God wasn't the foundation of the government giving us rights from God that humans CANNOT take away, then the government itself becomes God where they can alter your rights as often as the wind changes directions.

St. Louis Park, FYI is the congressional district represented by--WAIT FOR IT!--Ilhan Omar. Council member Tim Brausen is quoted in the Daily Caller saying, "We concluded that in order to create a more welcoming environment to a diverse community we're going to forgo saying the Pledge of Allegiance before every meeting." And the dumb-bunny who proposed this monumental stupidity in the first place is Councilwoman Anne Mavity telling the local NBC affiliante KARE 11 that she doesn't believe the pedge is relevant, especially for illegal immigrants. Now how does THAT grab ya!? If you want more stupidity get this quote, "Not everyone who does business with the city or has a conversation is a citizen...they certainly don't need to come into city council chambers and pledge their allegiance to our country in order to tell us what their input is about a sidewalk in front of their home."

This is so incredibly stupid I hardly know where to begin. First of all if this cretin knew anything about our Constitution and laws she'd know that no one is putting a gun to these illegals heads and demanding they say the pledge. They can stay respectfully silent! And, by the way, THEY AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE AND HAVE NO RIGHT TO COME BEFORE CITY COUNCIL TO COMPLAIN!

I'm so sick of the left telling us that this is a "country of immigrants" I want to throw up. Again, a history lesson: the immigrants they're referring to came here LEGALLY, they came here wanting to be AMERICANS and they learned ENGLISH! The became legal citizens and were proud of it. Nor did we just let people pour in unchecked. They were screened. They had to have a sponsor and posses some sort of skill. If they had some disease they were either put on hold or sent back home. This is pathetic that these dumbbells are bending over backwards to accommodate ILLEGALS! And so refreshing to see the LEGAL citizens standing up for America for a change and not sitting by and taking it. Now they need to move on to San Francisco and stand in front of the mural at George Washington High School that their city school board has voted $600,000 to cover it up because the painting, which has been there since 1930, has to be covered up and destroyed!

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