Mass Shootings--It's the President's Fault--of Course!!!

It was disgraceful for the media to blame Elizabeth Warren for the Dayton, Ohio mass shooting....oh wait--they didn't--never mind. We all know that it was Donald Trump's fault, especially the horrifying El Paso shooting because the "perp" was apparently targeting Hispanics. Funny during the eight years of President O-Bummer that police assassinations skyrocketed--in one hideous case in Dallas, during a Black Lives Matter protest rally, FIVE police officers were killed, seven wounded along with two civilians. The assassin was a disgruntled black man who said it was revenge for all the black people who'd been killed by police during their arrests. Never once did I hear the lamestream media blame the president though a solid case could be made for it.

During his presidency not once did we hear Obama stand up for or praise the police. Every time there was a police incident involving someone of "color" he always stuck his nose in where it didn't belong long before knowing the circumstances or evidence. Starting early in his presidency, Obama--in a press conference--took a question that was clearly planned. Some reporter asked what he thought about the arrest of a professor friend of his. The professor was arrested for what appeared was a house break-in. It turns out it was actually the professor's house but he'd forgotten his key. Unfortunately the arresting officer's mind-reading abilities were not functioning that night and he didn't realize this man was breaking into his own house. The president's answer was, "..the police acted stupidly." The Community-Organizer-in-Chief showed just how much--or little--he knows about law enforcement.

Let me ask a question about common sense whether you're a veteran law enforcement officer or not: you're a cop and you see someone you don't know breaking into a house. What are you supposed to do? Said officer has--at first blush--no idea who this is nor does he know it's the man's own house. Calling this man's arrest "acting stupidly" was itself stupid and the president found that out in a hurry. It's my belief that Obama himself was surprised at the pro-police blowback he got. So much so that he was forced to apologize with the famous "Beer Summit" in which he and the arresting officer got together to make peace and drink beer together. But it never let up in the eight years we had to suffer though his incompetent administrations. Calling him a racist would have ended any reporter's career on the spot yet that's what we saw. If Obama had had a son, Trayvon Martin would have looked like him. The complicit media played right along showing us Trayvon's picture when he was 14--a handsome, innocent-looking kid. Never did we see the 18-year-old "gangsta looking" Trayvon.

Name any police shooting or violent arrest of a black citizen (caught on camera, of course) incident during the Obama years and the president always sided with the criminal. All of this leading to the Black Lives Matter movement. Turns out black lives only matter when they're beaten or killed by the police. Apparently the 4,000 plus black lives murdered mostly by other blacks in Chicago during his administration didn't matter. The press never named them nor made a big deal out of the killings except to report the number killed over a weekend or holiday. In just about all those arrests that led an officer having to take the life of the perpetrator almost all could have been prevented had they not resisted arrest. They would have all had their day in court but they chose to escalate the situation where deadly force was usually necessary. And when mass shootings took place Obama blamed America, the guns and our so-called "gun culture. He told us the United States was the "only country in the world" where mass shootings took place. A bold-face lie that was never called out by the lamestream media.

In all that time and with all that evidence to the contrary, the media NEVER blamed those shootings or the escalation of assassinations of police officers on Barack Obama. His hate speech against white people and police officers were never called what they were. Such is not the case now with current occupant of the White House. All of the unqualified candidates for president on the Democrat side--and that includes every one--shamelessly blamed this past weekend's shootings on Donald Trump. Among the worst, Spartacus himself, Cory Booker who said--especially with the case in Texas--the president's "hate speech" against Hispanics and boarder control was directly responsible. Most of the media is going along, of course.

Kudos to Texas Governor Greg Abbott and the mayor of El Paso who during Saturday night's press conference refused to blame the gun, only the man holding it and quickly brought up the lack of mental health programs and facilities. BINGO! That, of course, is being downplayed by the people who are supposed to report the news to you. So now with not one but two mass shootings in less than 24 hours the ban-the-gun crowd is out in full force. Forget the fact--fact mind you--that when that tower of virtue, Bill Clinton was president he and the Congress banned certain "assault rifles" after ten years the result(?)--no change in gun violence.

We have had a gun culture since the founding of America. When I was in school in the 50s and 60s some of the kids I went to Groves High School with drove pickup trucks with gun racks in the rear window most of the time with the gun(s) in them; our Army Junior ROTC rifle team was using the Springfield bolt-action .22 using live ammunition at practice. It wasn't unusual to see some of those cadets from our school and the other schools in town with rifle teams, Savannah High and Benedictine get on a city bus, gun in hand to go across town to a meet. No one batted an eye and no one got shot. There were no school shootings, there were no shootings at festivals like our famous St. Patrick's Day Parade--zip, zero, nada!

What's happened since? Let's see, God was expelled from public schools and incrementally pubic places; drugging kids instead of disciplining them; treating mental illness on an out-patient basis instead of getting treatment in a facility and bullying is running rampant. A mentally disturbed bullying-victim like the Parkland, Florida killer suddenly lash out. And in the latter case we saw it coming--police had arrested this guy numerous times, we had seen his social media posts, he was immediately recognized by at least two people as he was walking up to the first building and yet they turned and ran rather than notifying authorities. A peace-loving Muslim couple in California went to a Christmas party and began killing co-workers and neighbors who said they knew they'd seen what was obviously suspicious behavior at said couple's house never reported it. Why? They didn't want to be charged as "racists." Thanks media and race industry.

This was not the NRA's fault, it was not Donald Trump's fault--it was the "perp's" fault. Symbol over substance will never solve our problems with guns, bullies, mass murderers, homeless or anything else. Treating the disease and not the symptoms is the only answer. The question is, do we have the politically will to do it? And a hint to "The Squad": banning police won't solve it either!

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