Who's Really Dividing the Country?

When Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber) was finally arrested in 1996 he had managed to kill three people and injure 23 more with his mail bombs. Found in his Montana hideaway was Al Gore's book An Inconvenient Truth among other things. Do you recall the lamestream media making a big deal out of it, claiming Al Gore's mythical screed caused ol' Teddy to go off the deep end? Two years ago some deranged monster showed up as the Congressional Republican baseball team was practicing for their annual showdown with the Democrat counterparts and opened fire with his rifle and gravely wounded Steve Scalise. Fortunately because of Scalise's position of Majority Whip (at the time) he had a security detail otherwise there would have been no security detail there at all. But those Capital Police officers acted swiftly, boldly and heroically engaging the shooter (never mind his name) and even though they were wounded themselves using handguns against a rifle managed to subdue and kill this creep. Turns out he was a big Bernie Sanders supporter. Did you hear the lamestream media blame Sanders' communist rhetoric for the shooter's actions? Did you even hear them mention that he even "felt the Burn?" Did they blame his gun or the NRA? As I recall they buried that story within 48 hours with only sprotic updates on Scalise's condition which was very touch-and-go for awhile. Had it not been for the brilliant and skilled surgeons he'd have died--he flatlined a time or two and by the grace of God brought him back. The special agent in charge at the FBI, Tim Slater, insulted our intelligence saying--at first--it was "too early to tell if the 'perp' was targeting Republicans." PUH-LEEZE!!!! I will bet my next year's--no next decade's--salary had it been a Trump supporter shooting up the Democrats baseball practice it would have been the top story for months.

Fast forward to this past Satuarday and Sunday when, within hours, two deranged bastards opened fire on crowds in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio collectively murdering at least 31 people, and injuring dozens more, some critically and ruining lives forever. And like day follows night and the sun rises in the east, the lamestream media, the Democretins (but I repeat myself) and Trump and gun haters came out of their sewers to blame President Trump before the guns quit smoking and bodies stopped bleeding. Vile, disgusting, despicable and indefensible rhetoric filled the airwaves like fog from faux journalists, political "leaders" especially the Dembulbs presidential candidates--none of whom are even fit for the offices they hold now, much less the most powerful position in the world. Their selective outrage would be hilarious if it weren't so vicious knowing they actually mean it! And their "irony meters" desperately need replacing when we look at their history of what they're now calling "hate speech" from this president when most of them were saying the very same thing long before Trump was even running for president. President Bill Clinton railed against illegal immigration and the need to control the southern boarder in a state-of-the-union speech 30 years ago. Up-Chuck Schumer (D-NY) did the same and warned of the dangers of having these unknown, unvetted people (people of color mind you) and at no point did any overpaid so-called journalists, news anchors or commentators call any of those remarks, racist, xenophobic, hate speech...pick your pejorative. Of course they didn't do much to stop it because the illegals were voting for Democrats--and make no mistake, they were voting despite it being illegal since many of the voting districts didn't bother to do something racist like check IDs.

But when Donald Trump called it for what it is that the Mexicans (and others) pouring across our boarder were not surgeons, engineers, technicians and professors--many are indeed murders, rapists,and child molesters bringing in diseases we conquered decades ago. Not ALL of them, of course, but a the left are amazing mind readers that would impress the Amazing Kreskin, they knew that's what Trump meant, it was a "dog whistle" because he hates "people of color." Nancy Pulousy and her confederates saying Trump wants to "make America white again." Forget facts, forget truth, forget reality, forget the best economy since 1969 with half the inflation, the lowest unemployment among women, Hispanics and--believe it or not Ripley--blacks. These "smartest people in the world" have the gall to credit Barack Obama for laying the foundation for this wonderful economy--and you just have to laugh to keep from crying. And speaking of the Dhali-Bama, now he has suddenly come out of the woodwork to criticize his successor. Funny we haven't heard a word from ol' Barry in months and at the recent Democretin debates the highly-unqualified candidates, who thought this guy hung the moon when he was becoming the worst president in American history, threw more brickbats at him than at Trump. Apparently not one of them wants his endorsement and it's a mystery that he has not gone anywhere near endorsing his vice president of eight years. Ronald Reagan didn't hesitate to endorse George H. W. Bush (his VP) so one has to ask why Obama hasn't done the same for Ol' Joe. Things to make you go hmmmm.

Both of this past weekend's shooters were sick and disturbed an in desperate need of mental health care and should have been nowhere near a gun, much less own one. The Dayton shooter had a plethora of "red flags" and oh, by the way, a far leftist Elizabeth Warren (Liam-watha) supporter. Heard the media accusing her of causing his rampage? The El Paso shooter is no Trump supporter either and has expressed his dislike for him. Yet both shooters obviously heard the "dog whistle." That Trump rhetoric is the motivation for these slaughters they telling us. And when the president gives an impassioned speech condemning this carnage in the highest form--including calling out White Supremacists--the media tells us he's not sincere. So Trump made these guys pull those triggers. Ironically, for years we've been railing against violent movies, video games and abortion-on-demand, the removal of God as one of the root causes of this outbreak in mass shootings and the left has laughed. How could a movie influence someone to do something against their will, we have been told? How could a violent video game breed violence? Just because we've legalized abortion and now we have state legislatures saying not only is okay to kill babies in the womb--in Virginia and New York (and more on the way) it's okay to kill them after they're born...as long as we make them comfortable, of course, that's not causing this either. So far Hollywierd hasn't cancelled any film productions in any of those states. We have been ridiculed and laughed at for thinking that. It's just a movie or TV show or video game--how could that POSSIBLY influence you to copy that? Yet these same clowns are telling us President Trump is the catalyst for these two shooters because he's criticized "people of color," especially Hispanics--that's what set them off! Sorry you left-wing loons you can't have it both ways but unfortunately too much of the public-school-educated public and, dare I say, media fall for it.

One more notification to the media: EVIL does exist. Evil is exactly what we witnessed this weekend and sick minds that needed help--help we keep cutting the budget for. These shootings were no more Donald Trump's fault than Al Gore, Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren were responsible for the aforementioned incidents.

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