Weaponizing Politics

Politics has always been a street fight and for whatever reason the Republicans haven't caught on to that concept yet. And while the Democretins have been experts at it this 2020 campaign is turning into a brawl. The Dembulbs have put on the brass knuckles, gotten out the long knives and--dare we say--assault weapons, their favorite phrase. What's worse, this is only the tip of the iceberg, goodness knows how much worse it's going to get with almost a year-and-a-half to go. I've quit asking how low the Dems and their confederates in the media and other hate groups can go because they're taking it as a challenge. Barack was great at weaponizing the Department of Justice and the FBI...over 4,000 black citizens of Chicago were murdered on the streets during his unfortunate eight years as president and he along with his buddy, Rahm Emanuel--the mayor and Obama's former Chief of Staff--did a little less than zero about it. But when a police office in the almost-unknown hamlet of Ferguson, Missouri legally defended himself against a local thug, killing him Barack and his AG Eric With-Holder had the FBI discend on that town like locus. Forty one (or so) agents, I believe, but who's counting? A fine, highly-decorated police officer's life was destroyed and God only knows where he is now or what he's doing. For all I know they may have had to put him in the Witness Protection Program.

Now comes the onslaught of Dembulb candidates for president, not one of whom is qualified to empty the trash at the White House much less occupy the Oval Office. What they have been saying on the campaign trail and in debates would make Karl Marx and the gang of Commies very proud. They are in favor of every program or policy that has been tried and failed miserably for centuries. And now, with the recent mass shootings in El Paso and Dayton they are weaponizing those events by shamelessly organizing fund raisers on the coffins of the victims and it's nauseating. The Dems now have these two closely-occurring incidents as their vehicle for gun control. They and their willing accomplices in the media and hate groups are getting the Republicans to do what Republicans do best, cave like a cheap mattress. Even President Trump is talking about "Red Flag" legislation that would do an end-around on the Second Amendment. More on that tomorrow. But to continue the salvos on the president blaming him for both shootings (and the Garlic Festival shooting in California the week before) Congressman Joaquin Castro (appropriate surname) has done something about as disgusting and despicable as anything I've ever seen in politics. He has tweeted out the names of 44 San Antonio residents who have donated to Donald Trump's presidential campaign. What's worse (if that's possible) he also tweeted out the names of their employers too. For what purpose? What kind of danger are these people in now because we know Antifa and their fellow thugs know no mercy. Will they be physically threatened, beaten, harassed or--God forbid--killed? Will they lose their jobs or, all of the above? Observe the "tolerant left" on the Tuesday night (08-06-19) monologue from Tucker Carlson on the Fox News Channel here for your perusal. Your blood should run cold if it's not already frozen from what you see already. Buckle your seatbelt, you ain't see nothin' yet! The shameless Dems know no shame!

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