The REAL Haters

Don't do as we do, do as we say. How many times have you heard that old saying? It's the battle cry of today's less than disgraceful media. These overpaid and under-educated greater-than-thou pundits look down their collective noses at us flesh-and-blood creeps and have the unmitigated gall to accuse President Trump of "hate speech" while exempting themselves for calling him "Hitler" "...worse than Chairman Mao and responsible for more deaths than Mao, Hitler, and Stalin--combined!" Those of us who support this president and voted for him need to be "eliminated." They claim the president's words are encouraging mass shootings when it's obvious those people had all sorts of mental and drug problems and were huge fans of Bernie Sanders and Liar-watha, Elizabeth Warren. Those folks are NEVER blamed for their inflammatory rhetoric. When the "Uni-bomber" was finally arrested all those years ago, guess who's book they found in his Montana compound? Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth was right there on the shelf. Can you imagine if instead of that tome of myths they'd found Rush Limbaugh's The Way Things Ought to Be? We'd have NEVER heard the end of it. As it is they still blamed Rush and talk radio for the Oklahoma City bombing calling us "hate radio." By the way: the iconic picture from that awful day, an AP photo that won an award, of a Oklahoma City firefighter running from the scene with a bloodied 5-year-old girl also happened to be an avid Rush listener. He called the show a few days later and read the media the "riot act" over that ridiculous claim that talk radio was responsible for that terrorist attack.

American citizens wearing "MAGA" caps have been assaulted and some severely injured by anti-Trump goons including Antifa thugs. One reporter was almost killed at an Antifa rally in Portland, Oregon a few weeks back. He suffered a severe brain bleed that required hospitalization and will probably have residual affects the rest of his life because of it. Did the lamestream media condemn that attack? You would have thought so, especially if it had been one of the sacred reporters from the likes of the New York Times or the Washington Compost. But the silence was deafening from these left-wing dirtbags. Dingbats like Don "Sour" Lemon on the Communist News Network actually DEFENDED Antifa on the air claiming that all the rioting and injuries Antifa was causing was simply exercising their First Amendment rights! The other side...not so much!

This is not only disgraceful but irresponsible. I am both personally and professionally embarrassed on a daily--sometimes hourly--basis with the unadulterated crap coming from the left-wing media (excuse my redundancy) that has turned into nothing more than a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party. We always warn about the unholy alliance between religion and politics in the "peace-loving" Muslim world-well this is just as bad. You cannot turn on any of the news outlets without hearing Trump bashing and slanting stories to make the president look bad. Publications like Time fabricate a cover with President Trump standing over a hysterically-crying little Hispanic girl making it appear he was blocking her from entering the country. It was photo-shopped!

This was nothing new for the Communists at that left-wing rag. They love to lie with statistics by not finishing a sentence. One of the reasons I chose to go to Ole Miss was because I figured any school that got bad publicity in Time Magazine had to be a first-class institution. I refer to an article they had after the "Meredith Riots" in 1962 when the first black student--James Meredith--was enrolled. There was campus unrest and demonstration outbreaks as Meredith was guarded and accompanied by National Guardsmen. The magazine made some statement to the effect that the University of Mississippi wasn't too swift when it came to academics stating that in the entire history of the university the school had produced "...only 9 Rhode Scholars." Here is where they failed to finish the sentence. The statement was left hanging on purpose to give the average reader that "nine" Rhode Scholars was a low number. What the article DIDN'T say was that nine Rhode Scholars was second in the country only to YALE!

The beat goes on and with most of these media outlets now owned by large corporations one would think said corporations would want their brand to do everything they could to present opposing viewpoints the way Fox News does on a regular basis. Yet rarely will you see top Democretins go on the air with Fox. Why? What are they afraid of? The Democrat National Committee (DNC) even banned Fox from carrying any of their debates. What are they afraid of--TOUGH questions??? Aren't these presidential candidates the ones who are telling us they will protect us from the likes of Vladimir Putin and Kim Jung Un and terrorist leaders? Yet they're afraid to go on Fox News and answer real questions?

I've said it before and I'll say it again, America deserves better from its media and it's a shame we are not held to a certain standard like lawyers and doctors who can be disbarred or lose their medical licenses for irresponsible activity. It's a shame we don't have those same policing bodies like the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) was supposed to be. Sadly that's not the case. These lefties seem to be able to say anything, make up anything, and fabricate anything without any consequences. Fox has fired or suspended personnel for such activity and consequently there is very little of it but the alphabet networks and cable outlets let their on-air personnel make these outrageous remarks with impunity. The latest was BS-DNC's (MSNBC's) Lawrence O'Donnell earlier this week saying he didn't know if it was true or credible but ONE GUY who works for Deutsche Bank had told him that this so-called "informant" had seen Donald Trumps tax returns and there were cosigners on Trump's loans who were Russian oligarchs with close ties to (Rootin' Tootin') Putin.

However, ENCOURAGED by a treat of lawsuit from Trump's attorneys, O'Dufus apologized last night. He had the gall to say that he really should not have said it and that it didn't go through--better sit down for this--MSNBC's "rigorous verification and standards process!" ---Now that you're back from hysterically laughing, I'm like you, I had no idea MSNBC had ANY verification-and-standards process, much less a "rigorous" process. Must have just put that department in this week. But O'Donnell hasn't lost his job, hasn't been suspended with or without pay as I would have been...he's still on the air giving his phony apology. These cretins are always coming up with some ridiculous Trump action and claim to have some "underhanded" dirt they've allegedly heard about using the term "..we're not sure--BUT IF IT'S TRUE!!!" there's going to be hell to pay. And they're praying for it to actually be true on the planet they live on. Every one of these fabricated stories, including their two-year Russian collusion hoax have blown up in their collective faces but they shamelessly go on and double-down on their lies totally without consequence.

It's as disgusting as it is disturbing and it's tearing this wonderful country apart and disgracing this industry almost as much as I love my country. They are the hate-mongers, they are the enemy within. As the old saying used to go with I was a kid--when you point a finger at someone, there are three pointing back at yourself. But don't expect these shameless "useful idiots" to sincerely apologize anytime soon.

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