Beaufort County Sheriff Tanner to hold 11a press conference today

Hurricane Dorian: Beaufort County Evacuation

On September 1, 2019 (last night), South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster ordered the evacuation of Beaufort County—all areas—in anticipation of impacts from Hurricane Dorian starting today (Monday), September 2, 2019, at 12:00 p.m. The evacuation includes closures of Beaufort County governement offices and schools starting Tuesday, September 3, until it is deemed safe to return.  

Sheriff P.J. Tanner's Press Conference

At 11:00 this morning (Monday), Sheriff P.J. Tanner will hold a press conference to discuss Hurricane Dorian and its potential impacts on Beaufort County, as well as particulars of the evacuation of Beaufort County. The press conference will be held in the first floor conference room at the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office Law Enforcement Center, 2001 Duke Street in Beaufort. Media—print, radio and television—are encouraged to attend. The public is encouraged to watch the press conference live on the Beaufort County Sheriff's Office Facebook page and it will be televised on The County Channel: Comcast - channel 2; Hargray - channel 9 and 113; and Spectrum  - channel 1304 It will also be available to view on YouTube—a link will be provided before the press conference.

We appreciate your patience and will continue to keep you informed throughout Hurricane Dorian.

Emergency Management Preparations

The Beaufort County Sheriff's Office continues to closely monitor developments with Hurricane Dorian. The Beaufort County Sheriff's Office Emergency Operations Center (EOC) was activated on Sunday, September 1, to increase our state of preparedness for Hurricane Dorian. Our Emergency Services Function partners—state, county and municipal law enforcement, fire, EMS, and other government agencies—are in place to streamline communication and further coordinate resources needed in anticipation of impacts from Hurricane Dorian. Residents and guests can expect to see an increased law enforcement presence, as well as National Guard, throughout Beaufort County. 

Be Prepared and have a Personal Plan

Ahead of Hurricane Dorian, we strongly encourage Beaufort County residents and guests to review their personal plans and make arrangements to evacuate to a safe place inland. For information on developing a personal plan, please download the Beaufort

County Sheriff's Office Emergency Management mobile app:

Apple App Store:

Google Play:

Visit the National Hurricane Center

Until our next update, Beaufort County residents and guests are encouraged to monitor Hurricane Dorian through the National Hurricane Center

Where to Stay Up-To-Date

The Sheriff's Office will keep you updated on Hurricane Dorian through NIXLE and the following sites: 

The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office's Facebook page:

The Beaufort County Sheriff's Office's Nextdoor page:

The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office's Twitter account

The Beaufort County Sheriff’s Office's website emergency alerts/natural distasters link (in red on our homepage)  

Avoid Misinformation Spread Through Social Media

In the event of a public safety emergency or natural disaster, please look to federal, state, county and municipal government officials, as well as trusted print, radio and television media for information and instruction. We urge you to avoid information spread through social media, unless it comes from one of the trusted sources.

The Beaufort County Sheriff's Office appreciates your partnership and continued commitment to the safety of our community

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