How Stupid Are Democrat Donors?

Promises, promises...don't they sound great? "Vote for me and everything's free!" That's the battle cry from the highly-unqualified candidates the Democrat Party has put forth to take over the Oval Office. It's been my experience that most politicians almost never keep their promises even though they might fight for some of them but the political process often gets messy. Question for you: if a witness in a trial is caught lying under oath, what happens to the rest of their testimony? The court throws it all away. Even though said witness may say, "...but that was the only time I was lying, the rest is true." Well, how can you believe that? But that's what we have with the candidates we have left on the Democrat side running for the world's highest office. These left-wing cretins are telling you how they would literally run your life by forcing you to drive a car you don't want, eat food you don't like, college would be free, health care is a "right" and should be free and,by the way, they are going to tell "Big Pharma" to cut the prices on their drugs to make them "affordable." They are going to ban AR-15s and "buy them back" so there won't be any more mass shootings, but don't worry they're not going to violate the Second Amendment (even though they just did).

These candidates have the unmitigated gall to accuse Donald Trump of being a dictator (and worse) while preaching how dictatorial they're going to be--all for your own good, of course! It's hard to beat Santa Claus and some people are gullible enough to believe it. Frankly, it's scary how many people believe it. In the recent elections it was amazing to me how close the vote for U. S. Senator was in Texas between Senator Ted Cruz and "Bozo O'Dork" (a-k-a Beto O'Rourke) when Cruz was narrowly re-elected. Here in Georgia, the very-unqualified Georgia House Minority Leader Stacy Abrams came within 56,000 votes of beating Brian Kemp for governor. Stacy still think she won had it not been for the dreaded "voter suppression" card she played by the underhanded secretary of state who was, conveniently, Mr. Kemp. Since the Dembulbs don't live on the same planet as those of us who live on the real one. Stacy says 53,000 voters were expelled from the rolls but if you've gotten past second grade math 56,000 is more than 53,000 so she still lost, fair and square. But that doesn't matter to Stacy...she claims she won but "accepts" the results. Yet she's as big a sore loser as The Hildabeast and has been running around ever since--and don't get in between her and a camera unless you want to get run over--appearing on everything from Rachael Mad-cow on BS-DNC or Steven Colbert on the Communist Broadcast System saying the election was stolen from her because her opponent, who was secretary of state was able to disqualify voters and close polling places....all of which is a bald face lie but lies are the Dems native language.

Bernie Sanders is a self-described socialist (read Communist) and somehow justifies the fact that he's a multi-millionaire and has two or three houses even though he's never had a real job--only politics. This is a man who honeymooned in Moscow--and I'm not referring to Moscow, Idaho. Yet people are falling for his garbage and sending in money by the car load. Then there's Senator Elizabeth Warren (a-k-a Liar-watha) who is also out near the Asteroid Belt with Bernie, who lied about her family heritage was Indian--excuse me--Native American. She's whiter than I am but managed to get a handsome six-figure teaching job at Harvard as a minority of a minority and taught two or three times a month or something. When she was finally challenged by Donald Trump about her DNA she flunked--YOU probably have more Indi--uh--Native American blood in your DNA than she does. Has she refunded the salary she was paid? Do I have to answer that? And, like Bernie, she wants free health care, wants to tax the heck out of the already-overtaxed upper income citizens to pay for it...and they both want to set prices for prescription medicine. They both seem to be onboard with the Green Raw Deal. But she too is raking in the "dough" and seems to be overtaking Joe 30310 for first place in the Dembulb race. Why? How can people be so stupid to not only support these cretins but send them money...lots of it?

Looking forward to your take!

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