Stinch from the Bench

Today as I write this is Bring Your Bible to Work Day and for those of us who believe this is the Divine work of God and that He actually means what he says, abortion is abhorrent. We believe that the only time it should be an option is to save the mother's life. Some will also advocate if it's a case of incest or rape. But in those cases there have been women who have refused to destroy that child and years later that child, once mature have become wonderful citizens and express their heartfelt thanks to their mom for bringing them into the world. In other words, abortion should be one of the rarest of rare medical procedures. Sadly, that's not the case today. We're now using abortion as a form of birth control and "thanks" to organizations like Planned Parenthood it has become a booming industry. Somewhere we made the proverbial "U-turn" in the tunnel. We expelled God from the classroom and just about everywhere else, church attendance has been on the decline for decades. If you want to join me at my church, Trinity Lutheran Sunday, you'll be more than welcome and sadly you won't have a bit of trouble finding a seat. You rarely hear of a young person today aspiring to be a minister. When our pastor (who's in his early 50s) graduated from seminary their class ordained some 140 pastors. Last year at that same seminary there were something a bit less than 20. Our sect of the Lutheran Church, the Missouri Synod, has about 1,400 churches and there are something like 400 pastoral openings.

Planned Parenthood was started by a woman for the sole purpose of erradecading the black race. That fact seems to get swept under the rug by the abortion advocates which should be a contradiction in terms. Imagine if we had "mass shooting" advocates--what do you suppose would happen to them? We just had the second anniversary of the horrifying Las Vegas massacre in which 58 concert goers were murdered and another 800-plus injured. But last year we have accurate data from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) is 2015 and their report shows there were over 648,000 abortions performed in 49 of 52 areas. No, I didn't put the comma in the wrong place...six-hundred, forty-eight thousand abortions. That's over twice the population of Chatham County! If we were killing that many people with guns what do you suppose would happen? I'd be willing to bet my next year's salary that many of the folks protesting "assault weapons" and advocating banning them are also "abortion rights" activists. If that's not a contradiction in philosophy I don't know contradictions.

One of the ways the abortion-rights crowd got away with it and managed to get the Supreme Court to give it the "green light" was to argue it was a "women's right" to do with her body as she wishes. And when she gets pregnant, that's not really a baby, it's not a real human being yet...just a zygote and I even have heard some refer to it as nothing different from a tumor. GOOD GRIEF! A tumor???? How disgusting and, quite frankly, stupid. There was little those of us against the practice could do to counter the argument but along comes that pesky thing called science. Suddenly we had electronic devices that could actually see the "zygote" inside the womb. Didn't look like a tumor. I dare say few tumors have arms, legs, breath and have--get ready for it--a HEARTBEAT...LUB-DUB, LUB-DUB! And by the way, unlike that tumor, has it's own D-N-A. So a woman can do with her body as she wishes, but what about the child's body? OOPS! But those same wonderful folks who want to tell us that if we don't believe in the climate change hoax because it's "settled science" turn right around and tell us science is wrong when it proves that "thing" in the womb is a real live human being. There's that darn contradiction again--amazing.

So some of us have been fighting back...especially after the horrifying reports started coming out about the Planned Parenthood "clinics" were selling baby parts and then justified it by saying it was for the advancement of--get ready for it--SCIENCE! OMG this is pathetic. Several states now, including Georgia have passed laws saying that an abortion is no longer an option once a heartbeat is detected. That's usually about six weeks into a pregnancy. So the abortion advocates come out of the woodwork to scream bloody murder--pun intended--that most women don't know they're even pregnant at that stage. These are also the same bunch of left-wing loons who think it's now okay to kill the baby after it's born. The governor of Virginia, for example, who's still in office even after being accused of dressing up in black-face at a college party (but he's a Democrat), says just "make the kid comfortable and discuss it with the mother and physician" and, if not wanted, go ahead and kill him or her--humanly of course!!! Makes perfect sense--NOT! What's left out of that wicked Roe v. Wade decision was the Justices at the time pretty much restricted it to prior the the last trimester.

Most of us with an IQ higher than single digits know a pregnant woman is carrying a child and as a retired surgeon here told me when he was in medical school all those years ago they were taught that when treating a pregnant woman they were treating "two patients." So we have the Heartbeat Law in Georgia to prevent innocent children from being terminated. And what thanks do we get? The Hollywierd left loses their mind--which doesn't take a whole lot--and threatens to--shall I say it"--abort their projects in Georgia. At least they're consistent in their philosophy. Several projects in Savannah have been cancelled and moved elsewhere, others around the state likewise or are on hold. Other producers and taking a wait-and-see attitude to find out if the law goes into effect next year and if the courts may shoot it down. Even Disney has made such a threat. DISNEY! I can assure Walt is rolling over in his grave. He would be horrified at such an attitude--especially since Disney is supposed to cater first-and-foremost to CHILDREN! They are now advocating killing their audience??? If this makes any sense to you may I suggest serious couch time!

But the first salvo has been fired from the Planned Parenthood (could they please change their name--killing babies doesn't lead to "parenthood" for pete's sake) and others have sued--of course and just this week Judge Steve C. Jones sided with the plaintiffs, including PP and several women's health clinics. Judge Jones says the law violates the Extreme Court's precedents in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey. Jones said, "This Court, as a district court, is bound by those decisions and, as stated above, is without discretion to overrule or otherwise change this abortion law precedent." So if we--Georgia--chooses to appeal the suit would next go to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. You can bet we will since I know Governor Brian Kemp has a backbone of titanium and won't back down on this as the father of three daughters himself. You can also bet that it'll make it all the way to the new-and-improved Supreme Court since Donald Trump took over and if you've ever wondered why the left is working so hard to get rid of Trump this is a classic Exhibit see, since he's probably going to get reelected he could have two or even three more Supreme Court appointments. Then the Court could get back to getting American back on the right track. But it's going to be a roller-coaster and as Rush says, "Don't doubt me!" Check out their so-called logic right here.

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