How Stupid is LeBron James?

This is a classic "teachable moment" on so many levels. After the NBA recently proved that they really know where the bread is buttered--it's China. So when the GM of the Houston Rockets had the unmitigated gall to stand up for freedom and America when he tweeted out to "stand with the people of Hong Kong" or something along those lines. Well, those tolerant Chinese thugs-er, leaders--didn't take it very well at all! They started cancelling NBA games and telecasts of NBA games left and even further left. Nike and their confederates went into apoplexy seeing a market with a potential of 1.5 billion customers going down the great white porcelain facility which meant that LeBron's $1B deal could be going along with the same flush. So, God forbid, the league stand up for the general manager and explain to the Communists we can express our feelings and opinions here in America via something called the First Amendment to the Constitution. Standing up to a regime that's good at keeping their citizens in line doing whatever the government tells--asks--them to and they've kept them in line by murdering 66,000,000 of them who didn't listen to reason.

So LeBron says that poor GM just doesn't understand and should "think" before he tweets. In fact, Lebron, mental midget that he is, doesn't think the guy--Daryl Morley--is very smart. Never mind that he has a bachelor's degree from Northwestern and a masters degree from M-I-T but who's counting? Lebron on the other hand went to high school...not sure if he got a degree or not. So lesson one: you don't have to be smart to be rich. Lesson two: just because you are an American born and bred don't make you a patriot. Lesson three: justs because you are a fabulous athlete making untold millions--if not billions--doesn't make you grateful for the free enterprise system and the country that allows you to keep most of it doesn't make you grateful. Lesson four: With a $1B contract in the balance can make you turn your back on your country faster than a Lindsey Lohan prison sentence.

Neither LeBron and many players in the league have no trouble trashing America and say the most vile things about President Trump and us voters, some of the NBA coaches too. The coach of the San Antonio Spurs bashes Trump whenever he gets the chance and thinks those of us who voted for him and the bane of the planet. So how many of his own fans has he insulted with his feelings I'd say "moranic" feelings but I don't want to be a name caller. The "Knee Too" movement in the NFL was bad enough but listen for yourself and isn't it sad that another All American organization (and remember basketball is 100% American since it was invented here) has shown it's true colors are Red and "green."

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