G-7 Brouhaha

It's no secret that I'm continually bewildered over the lack of free enterprise economic education in our schools but since there are so many communists and socialists (like there's a difference) in public education especially it's not a surprise. The latest brouhaha over the president suggesting the next G-7 conference take place at one of his own resorts is the latest "Exhibit A." Okay, I'll give you the "look of impropriety" does quickly come to mind but, unlike the media these days, let's take a closer in-depth look. Most so-called journalists today are under 40 and have never darkened the door of a class on economics even if it's taught. I'm sure they're not tuning in to hang on to ever one of Dave Ramsey's words and advice. (Dave is heard weeknights 9-to-midnight here on News Radio 97.7 & 1290 WTKS). No sooner had the president suggested one of his resorts for the G-7 than the Democretins and the media had the proverbial "cow." MOO! Think about it from the standpoint of how much this could save. Since the president owns the resort we could get it at cost, that alone would save millions. This president is already serving at great financial cost. He's not taking a salary, He's taking a huge financial hit by having to turn over all his businesses turning it over to others. When we had that conference here 15 or so years ago and Savannah was practically a ghost town. The conference itself was held down at Sea Island but the press headquarters was here on Hutchinson Island. We did NOT benefit financially from it other than the "free advertising" we got from the press with downtown Savannah as the backdrop for their news reports.

Like many other places, Mr. Trump saved the Doral from bankruptcy when he bought it several years back and has turned it into a true showplace. Trump loves to have the best and everything at his places is first class. His venues are showplaces and he treats the staff like he treats his best friends. I know people who have been to his restaurants and resorts when he was there and, unless you knew who he was, you'd never guess he was the owner. He not only wanted to show off his place but to give the G-7 attendees to "red carpet" treatment. It would have been wonderful and Trump would have been a great and gracious host. Just as if you put on a big Christmas party at your house--you bend over backwards to make sure your guests have a good time. The idiots in Washington and media haven't got a clue about genuine human beings who don't have an ulterior motive. Donald Trump really cares for people. You can see it plain as day in his rallies how he recognizes the political figures in attendance. He calls them out by name without hesitation and unlike Quid Pro Joe, doesn't forget where he is. He recognizes that police and military and maybe just somebody in the audience who's wearing a shirt he likes, calling them up on stage. So the Doral would have been a wonderful venue where we could show off to the rest of the world we had quality and class.

But the ignorance of the media came right to the surface and the pond scum in Congress with the likes of Senator Richard Bluming-idiot (Blumenthal) Democretin from Connecticut. The same guy who lied about serving in Viet Nam...thing is, Blumenthal would actually need three promotions to become pond scum. And, as usual, Trump had to fight his own party. Representative Francis Rooney, (R-Fl) told reporters Friday, "In the law, there's a canon that says, avoid the appearance of impropriety. I think that would be better if he would not use his hotel for this kind of stuff." Former White House officials expressed shock like Daniel Price, who helped organize summits for President George W. Bush is quoted in the New York Times as saying, "The appearance of impropriety and self-enrighment will likely be troubling to at least some of the G-7 leaders." He then went on to say something else just as ridiculous, "If I were still the U. S. sherpa and the president was invited to attend a summit at a business resort owned by the foreign leader host, my first question would be to White House counsel about whether ethics rules would permit the president to attend." HUH? Come on, Daniel, I can understand the monumental stupidity of dirtbags like Richard Blooming-Idiot but get a clue! President Trump DOESN'T think that way and if you don't know it you're too entrenched in the "Deep State."

Of course Trump should have known better with the onslaught of lies and attacks he's had to endure for the past three plus years. As he said, "I thought I was doing something very good for our country by using Trump National Doral, in Miami, for hosting G-7 leaders...but, as usual, the hostile media and Democrat partners went CRAZY!' What's worse, the Demobulbs in the House and Senate actually took time off from trying to the impeachment fraud to introduce legislation intended to block the use of the Doral with a bill called "Trump's Heist Undermines the G-7," or the--get ready--the "Thug Act.: The measure would have blocked the use of federal funds for the Group of 7 if the event were held at the Doral. Another stupid Democretin (excuse my redundancy), Congressman Lois Frankel (D-Fl) said, "Mr. Trump is unashamed of his corruption..he is abusing the office of the presidency and violating law by directing millions of dollars of American and foreign money to his family enterprises by holding an important meeting of world leaders at his Doral resort." Hey Lois--it's not against the law to be stupid but you and your confederates in the Democretin party sure do abuse the privilege! You pathetic souls should be doing something for the good of the country but from the looks of the totally unqualified dingbats you're running for dictator--er president--expose you're agenda to destroy America. Check out Anderson Cooper's selective outrage to get an example of the media doofuses!

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