Lower Education

The "tolerant" left strikes again...this time on another poison Ivy League school, the University of Pennsylvania which shut down an event Wednesday on immigrant detention and deportation after student protesters demonstrated against retired ICE Director, Tom Homan's appearance on the panel. Holman is not the type of guy who can be intimidated by a bunch of snot-nosed snowflakes on American campuses. Apparently there was a petition from over 400 students and alumni to cancel the event. The petition also called for UPenn to ban all invitations to current or former ICE or U. S. Customs and Boarder Patrol Officials. And it appears dozens of other people from Communist bastions like Columbia University, Cornell, Brown, M-I-T and Harvard also showed their cowardice by signing the petition. You won't believe what the petition said so sit down if you're not already. "Under Homan, ICE continued to be a violent organization responsible for terrorizing immigrant communities...inviting Homan as a guest speaker contradicts Penn's claim of being a sanctuary campus." Gag me! Is this what our taxpayer dollars are going to? These people--students and faculty are supposed to be smart--God knows we spend more than enough on education. This is disgusting and disturbing on so many levels. If you tried to shut down these protestors, rounding them up and expelling them from school and told them they were too much a problem and interfere with their First Amendment rights what do you think would happen? The American Communist Lovers Union (ACLU) would be screaming bloody murder and filing lawsuits right and left to protect these precious young souls.

Once upon a time colleges were places to hear opinions and thoughts from all sides and from people from just about all states and many foreign countries. But since the so-called Progressives (read COMMUNISTS) started taking over American education the First Amendment only applied if you agreed with them. Everything else was "hate speech." And that's where we are. Now these delicate creatures need "safe" spaces and coloring books and comfort animals. Pathetic. This was a great opportunity for them to hear Homan out and challenge him on his views. Instead they're like that iconic "hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil" monkey trinket like my grandmother had on her mantel for years. But since they can't back up their ridiculous claims they have to shout down those who have an IQ higher than single digits and people who are trying to save America.

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