The Lynch Mob

Gee...I wasn't aware that a certain group of people or a particular race had a monopoly on words in the English language--or any other language for that matter, but apparently that's not the case. The Democretins who are making up scenarios about President Trump which they want us to believe are actually true. We know, however, that lying is the Dembulbs and the lamestream media's native language. There is less than ZERO evidence that Donald Trump did anything approaching an impeachable offense but don't let the facts stand in the way of an anti-Trump story. But come to think of it, there is nothing but anti-Trump stories in the lamestream media. They're not even giving him any credit for giving the "green light" to military operations that wound up killing the top two ISIS leaders in the world this past weekend. Of course it doesn't take much to get liberals riled up just let the wind direction change and they not only get riled...they'll blame it on "climate change." This has been relentless ever since Trump was elected. The Washington Compost ran a headline the day after the inauguration read something to the affect of "now the impeachment proceedings can begin." So from the time Donald Trump took the oath of office he has been continually badgered and second-guessed by the left and the "deep state." It was obvious Trump was going to have to fight the Dembulbs when he became president but I didn't know he would have to fight most of the Republicans too. Add to those the "deep staters" who are on his staff or working associates who have been stabbing him in the back. There are few people who could have withstood this onslaught from the left that's been going on 24-7/365 since the 2016 election. What's frustrated the left even more is that not only have their attacks had little affect on President Trump but it has increased his popularity and reality has now dawned on them that he's going to be reelected. His popularity rating has been going up since the impeachment nonsense began and is higher that Obama's rating at the same time in office. That's sending these mental midgets over the proverbial edge. Absolutely nothing they throw at this guy sticks. They managed to keep Barry Obama's numbers up by celebrating everything he did and said as wonderful and brilliant while they managed to beat down George W. Bush's popularity by their negative stories. Bush was declared "illegitimate" after the 2000 election against Al Bore by the media and when he left office his popularity numbers were in the low 30s. But it has had no effect on Trump. Liar-watha (a-k-a Elizabeth Warren) has a rally and 800 people show up while Trump has a rally and not only does he fill ever seat in a 25,000 arena, there are at least 20,000 more outside watching on big screens and having a good time. Yet if you believed the media...Warren's rally is described by the press as a "packed" event while Trump's rallies are described as a gathering of racists and homophobes.

But Donald Trump is human and this has to be taking a toll whether he's showing it outwardly or not. He sure doesn't look like he's aged as you have seen other presidents but it has been eating at him internally and he's expressing his outrage with attacks of his own. The Dems, try as they might--and they certainly are trying--are attempting to get him out of office through impeachment or forcing him to throw up his hands and resign. The two-and-a-half-year Muller investigation was to take care of it but that blew up in their face. That didn't work and rather than be embarrassed and try to get something done for "the American people" they doubled down. Along comes the Ukraine phone call where he asked the new president of over there about cleaning up corruption before we give them any more money of sell them military equipment, look into the impropriety of Joe Biden's son being on the board of directors of a company about which Hunter Biden had no experience on any level. So a couple of weeks back he called this process that's wasted millions of taxpayer dollars referred to the treatment he's been getting as a "lynching." Well that set the left off like roman candles on New Year's Eve! How dare he referenced these worthless witch hunts as "lynchings!" Didn't he know that word was to be used only by black Americans who suffered those horrible fates at the hands of the KKK and other white racists years back. Has he no shame and no knowledge of the practice and American history? Especially since he's old enough to have gone to school when we actually taught American history. No one EVER uses the "L" word unless they're black and only when it happened to them. Apparently all those white people hung were not "lynched, they were only choked to death by a rope. The better-than-you "left" has never ever used that word outside of the historical context now have they??? Well let's just see!

For your lesson in American recent history see for yourself. The left, proving once again, they ARE what they accuse YOU of being!

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