The Woman Who Cried "Race!"

This is really getting old. I got over race when I was in college and got to see that no matter what was done to appease the left, it was never enough. I proudly attended the University of Mississippi (a-k-a Ole Miss) and loved it so much I'd have been a professional student if it had paid better. I grew up in the 50s and 60s so I remember a segregated society when blacks had to sit in the back of the bus, water fountains were marked "white" and "colored." Then the civil rights movement began. The first time I attended school with black students was my sophomore year at Groves High School and I, quite frankly, felt sorry for them. They were shunned by most in the student body and there were fights at recess or between classes. They really didn't want to be there either but their families were offered money to keep them there. One of our teachers found one of the black girls crying in the girl's bathroom one afternoon and when asked what was wrong she said she hated being there but her family was being paid $50 a month (as much as a week's pay in those days) by the NAACP to keep her at Groves. At Ole Miss I remember a member of our Army ROTC drill team was black and we were all getting along just fine until one day when he quit showing up for practice. He quit the team and when I asked him why he said it was his academic load. As it turned out, he was being shunned by his fellow black students for "getting along too well with whites." If that wasn't eye-opening enough, the "Black Student Union" was formed and they came up with a list of 10 demands. Some seemed quite reasonable to our Chancellor at the time and he granted two or three of them right off the bat. Their desire--at the time for the band to quit playing Dixie and to get rid of the Rebel flag was pipe dream--again, at the time. But along came the Black Student Union with another list of 10 demands. Things that make you go..."hmmm.' I thought the chancellor had met some of them--turns out they substituted new demands replacing those granted. Among them this time was an all-black dormitory. The Dean of Student Housing nipped that one in the bud in a hurry. He informed these militants (which is what they were) that if HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) found out there was a segregated dorm on the Ole Miss campus, our Federal funds would be cut off faster than they could sing We Shall Overcome.

My question was...what was the Civil Rights movement about if not to integrate our society? Chastising one of their black brothers for getting along too well with whites, wanting a segregated dorm and a desire to destroying history didn't seem to match to goal of what the leaders told us it was all about. But they found a new weapon--cry "racism!" It started working like a charm. If they didn't get whatever it was they were demanding, it was because they were black. Over the last 50 years they have played the "race card" so often one would think they'd have carpal tunnel syndrome by now. But it seems to work every time. ANd all the left has to do is cry "race" and/or "racism" and many on the Republican side go running for the tall grass and getting their knees bloody begging for forgiveness (which never comes). When the Dalai-Bama was president any criticism was "racist." Forget the fact that he was a socialist, raised by a Communist and we hated his policies--not his color. No matter, that was called "racism" in the media and few Republicans had the guts to call him out. Notice how the The Aesop Fable about the Boy Who Cried Wolf doesn't apply here. In that story, a young shepherd thought it was amusing to cry "WOLF!" even though there wasn't one. The first couple of times he did it..fellow shepherds and others came running to the rescue only to see it was a hoax. But what goes around comes around and sure enough one day a real wolf came along...and when he cried 'WOLF!" this help came.

But perhaps there are some cracks in the armor after all these years. Last week, presidential candidate Senator Kamala Harris (D-Ca) announced she was cutting staff (a lot of staff) and reducing the salary of her campaign manager. Her campaign is on life support. She enjoyed a temporary spike in the polls several months ago when she went after former Vice President Joe Biden in the first Democrat presidential debate but it's been downhill ever since. The bloom was off the rose when Harris got similar treatment from Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard who took Harris to the woodshed and she had no comeback whatsoever. Over the weekend Beto O'Rourke (a-k-a Bozo O'Dork) dropped out of the race and Harris may very well be next. But forget the fact that she was not very likable and wanted to take your guns and goes along with the Green Raw Deal...Harris knows the REAL reason: RACISM! She actually had the gall to say this country is not ready for a "woman of color" to be president! Really? Let's run Condi Rice and see what happens.Funny, when she first got in the race she said the opposite, that the USA is ready for a "woman of color" to be president. When she was challenged about us electing a black male president it was water off a duck's back.

How much longer the "race card" will be in play is anybody's guess but I'm hoping it's on a much life support as Beto's campaign.

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