Bill Edwards

Bill Edwards

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Let's See the Media's ICE-ing on This Cake

A Bernie Sanders supporter shoots up a baseball practice and nearly kills a U. S. Congressman, Steve Scalise and who does the media blame? President Trump. A left-wing angry 19-year-old shoots up the Garlic Festival in California and who does the media blame? Donald Trump. A gunman shoots up a Wal-Mart in El Paso and he leaves a manifesto saying he disliked President Trump but was targeting Hispanics because he thought they were trying to take over and who did media blame? Donald Trump. Then an Elizabeth Warren supporter shoots up a popular entertainment spot in Dayton, Ohio and who does the media blame? If you said Donald Trump, you get an A+. And the anti-Trump rhetoric and, yes, "hate speech" has been as relentless as it was/is disgusting and pathetic. When Barry Sotoro was president siding with the thugs in every police shooting or arrest the media was working overtime blaming white police officers of going out every morning "looking for black citizens to kill." The Black Lives Matter movement began out of the false narrative in Ferguson, Missouri "hands up don't shoot" fable when a white police officer Darren Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown. By the time the facts came out completely exonerating the highly-decorated police officer, his life had been destroyed and is God-only-knows where today, this BLM movement was marching against law enforcement across the country shouting their despicable slogan, "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!" In other words, kill cops! And assassinations against police officers began running rampant. Some bastard walked into a Las Vegan coffee shop and murdered several police officers in cold blood. At a BLM march in Dallas, a sniper shot and killed five cops who were there to--ironically enough--protecting the very people who were demonstrating against them and several of them were shielded and saved during the shooting by who(?), police officers. Did the media blame Barry or the Rev. Al Sharpton with his vile hate speech on BS-NBC and other Democrats? Not a chance in the world. Sharpton even had the nerve to say on the air that his criticism couldn't have possibly been the cause of such a unforgivable act. PUH-LEEZE!

Meanwhile, over the last few months the media, when not attack President Trump have spewed their vile hate against ICE and ICE agents. Top elected Dembulbs including Senator Up-Chuck Schumer and Senator Dick Turbin--er, Durbin--comparing these brave officers to the Gestapo and other disgusting terms. These same officers who are doing nothing more than enforcing the laws THEY --Congress--passed. So now the rent-a-mob crowds have been going to ICE offices and blocked entrance in the last few months and now shots have been fired and attacks begun against same. ICE agents, likewise have been targets of such shots and soon-or-later, God forbid, one or more will be hit and perhaps killed. So will the very same media that has blamed President Trump of hate speech and precipitating these recent mass shootings blame themselves for the ICE attacks? Don't make me laugh. They'll blame Trump for that too! You'd think they'd be ashamed of themselves and be asking for forgiveness for the error of their ways but the left has no shame.

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