Bill Edwards

Bill Edwards

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It's amazing how quickly long-established and grass-roots policies and traditions can change or go away when some left-wing loon gets "offended." A woman in the 1960s decided praying in public school was unconstitutional and it went away. She said there was "separation of church and state" in that sacred document-it DOES NOT SAY ANY SUCH THING but the courts backed it up. When was the last time you heard a prayer before a football game at a public school event? Someone was "offended" and it went away. Forget the fact that millions were not offended about the prayer(s) but were offended by such a stupid attitude and decision to eliminate the prayer(s). How come those of us offended genuinely offended by these wicked decisions don't have our voices heard and have such insanity reversed. It was bad enough when public schools caved but now corporate America is doing the same. Some washed-up football player who somehow has a multi-million-dollar deal with Nike decided he didn't like a shoe they made with the Betsy Ross Flag (with the 13 circular stars) because it was "racist" and Nike--after spending millions designing, manufacturing and shipping these shoes--caved like the proverbial cheap mattress! I didn't remember seeing the story that the guy who has the same name as a large intestine had become the Nike CEO. We're suing pharmaceutical companies for making a well-tested and extensively researched and vetted product because said product is being abused. We're already had to pass laws protecting gun manufacturers because their products worked like they were supposed to but that battle's not over yet either!

Who's going to cave next--Walma.....? Oh wait...they have! Because of a recent spate of mass shootings by mentally-disturbed idiots the anti-gunners are--I'd say "crawling out of the woodwork" but they're just crawlers, they've been out of the woodwork for some time--on the warpath. How disgusting that the nation's, if not the world's, top retailer is folding under the pressure of the left. They're going to stop selling handguns in Alaska--ALASKA! They're going to stop selling ammunition. They're politely asking their customers who have a license to "open-carry" to now close carry. All this is to curb the mass shootings in their CEO's misguided mind--with the board of directors help, I assume. Let me see if I have this straight--not a single mass shooting that we know of was done with a gun purchased at Walmart, none of them had a carry license of any kind, not a single shooter was a member of the NRA, not a single shooter bought their ammunition at Walmart. So we're going to stop the people who carry their guns for self-defense only, buy ammunition for self-defense and/or hunting, and have paid hard-earned money to get a carry permit that is a Constitutional right in the first place are being penalized because a few unbalanced people didn't do any of those things? If Walmart is caving to the left who's next?

As Rush Limbaugh has said so eloquently (as usual) on this phoney state of mind, 'symbolism over substance." The attitude people have that because we should have a black president we vote for Barack Obama. Never mind has was totally unqualified, had been raised by a Communist, boasted socialist views, hated America...that didn't matter, he was black, that's what mattered. Same with the Hildabeast, a-k-a Hillary Clinton, we should have voted her into the presidency because she is a woman because it's time we had a woman president. "It's time" they say. Funny, we had a highly qualified black gentleman who would have been a fabulous president, Herman Cain, but this time his political views did matter...Condi Rice likewise would fill both vacuums....she's black and female but again, her politics DOES matter. So corporations cave to pressure from the left because it's the "right thing to do." When Bill Clinton was unfortunately president, he had the infamous "assault weapons ban" passed by Congress. How well did it work? It was in play for ten years and absolutely nothing changed. Now we're still going to have mass shootings even after Dick's Sporting Goods won't sell a gun to someone under under 21 or Walmart won't sell ammunition of banning handgun sales in Alaska but these companies are going to feel better about themselves and the misguided loons who think this will help puff out their chest and say, "See, the world's largest retailer is doing something--why doesn't Congress and the President?" R. J. Reynolds was once criticized for encouraging kids to smoke with their cartoon character Joe Camel in their ads. Reynolds caved like an empty pack of their cigarettes and eliminated ol' Joe. See how well it worked????

Preventing mass shootings only seems to have the left's interest when they can make it more difficult, if not impossible, for honest law-abiding gun owners who would never even think of using a gun for such a purpose to get a gun. The mass shootings in Chicago or Baltimore run by liberal Democrats with the stiffest gun laws that take place every week show little or no interest. On the same night a guy shot and killed nine people made major headlines while 29 people were shot and seven died in Chicago wasn't mentioned. And in Chicago and Baltimore these goes on week in and week out it's not rare. Okay, it was multiple shooters instead of one but the results are the same. If the auto manufacturers made fewer cars would there be fewer highway fatalities? Will suing pharmaceutical companies for people abusing their products stop drug addiction deaths? How well have all the law suits against "Big Tobacco" cut down on cancer-related deaths? If that makes sense to you, you're the one who shouldn't have a gun!

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