There's not a single candidate on the Democrat side qualified to be President of the United States and what's sad, none of them deserve the power they have now. The Communist News Network (CNN) had a SEVEN-HOUR debate with those left-wing cretins this week instead of hurricane coverage but if you were wondering where all the rest of the hot air was coming from, now you know. They didn't say anything they haven't said already so giving them seven hours to say it instead of 90 minutes was overkill to the max. Not once were their ideas challenged or questioned by the Governor of New York's brother, Wolf Blitzed, Sour Lemon and the list goes on. These know-nothings have the unmitigated gall to call Donald Trump a liar and dictator when every proposal they've made is dictatorial.
I won't bore you with the details (if it's not too late at this point) but to sum up their alternate universe it's this: Unless we act now, we have only 11 years left before the planet is uninhabitable. We have to have "sustainable" energy from wind and solar, get rid of "fossil" fuel, get rid of airplanes and start driving electric cars. So they're dictating what you can drive but you wouldn't be able to drive it long since it has to be charged up with. Get rid of cows, too many cheeseburgers in the world so they're telling you what to eat. Banning guns to prevent mass shootings with Baltimore and Chicago exempt from that one, of course. So they're telling you your Second Amendment rights are null-and-void. You have to pay more taxes to finance all this, so they're telling you how much you can make--and believe me it won't be much when they get through with your paycheck but they say it has to be done to save the planet. Funny, when President Trump says we have to make some sacrifices in the short term to get China to use fair trade practices, they left screams bloody murder that it's "killing the taxpayers." First time I can remember Dembulbs caring a wit about how much the taxpayers were having to fork over to Uncle Sam.
To "save the planet" we have to get off all "fossil fuel" so we can go to "sustainable" alternatives eh? The fact that this as impossible as it is asinine should go without saying. Fossil fuels--if that is indeed what they are--power nearly everything. Getting rid o them would not only make us into a third-world country it would take us back to the stone age. Let's see 'em get a Boeing 777 off the ground and fly coast-to-coast with solar wing panels and I'll become a believer. Of course, flying at night would be a problem since I don't know how much light the moon reflects. And sure am looking forward to all that high-speed rail Alexandria O-Crazy-oh-Cortez is building for us. Can't wait for that trip to London from Atlanta on that train! These people walk a thin line...they're not quite crazy enough to be in an asylum but if they were in one they wouldn't let 'em out.
We have a major opioid crisis that's taking something like 400 lives daily and they're talking about eliminated plastic straws??? Illegals pouring across our boarders and we don't know who they are, where they're from, what their background or skills are, what kind of diseases they have and they think that's not only okay but we should welcome them with open arms and give them money, food, shelter and exempt them from all our laws and that's okay? They want to make them American citizens but why would they want to be an American citizen since they'd have to start obeying the law and get a job and pay taxes. We tried to make Puerto Rico a state and they wanted nothing to do with it. They get all t he "bennies" and don't have to pay anything into the system.
These are the people who shouldn't have guns, not us!