Bill Edwards

Bill Edwards

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Adam's "Rib"

So far, every dirty trick and hoax perpetrated by the Democretins to impeach or force President Trump to resign has blown up in their face...but what's the definition of "insanity"...doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. So here we go again...Congressman Jerry Nadler and his confederates who opened up the Impeachment hearings which is far from surprising. The Nadler-Trump warfare goes back decades. Nadler was a member of the New York Legislature from 1977 to 1992 and Trump tried to start his Television City project Nadler blocked him at ever turn. It was supposed to be a hugh real estate development along the Hudson River which would have included a skyscraper and Nadler put the breaks on it. When Trump acquiesced he proposed replacing the sky scraper with a public park Nadler blocked that too. Getting the picture? Now House Speaker, San Fran Nan (a-k-a Nancy Pulousy) has caved to pressure from the REAL Speaker of the House, A-O--C and announced impeachment would proceed, that was "red meat" for the pencil-neck geek himself, Adam Schiff, Dembulb from California who is now chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Great choice since Schiff's IQ seems to be approaching double figures and appears to be the kind of guy who'd put a rattlesnake in your pocket and then ask you for a match. What a low-life!

The idiots in the lamestream media--excuse my redundancy--as you know can't figure out the difference between an illegal alien and a legal one. So it's no surprise that they can't seem to tell the difference between former Vice President Joe Biden's blackmail threat to the former president of Ukraine to withhold a billion dollars in foreign aid unless a prosecutor investigating a company where Biden's son (Hunter Biden) was on the board (with a salary of $83,000 a month) with President Trump asking the new Ukrainian president to investigate corruption in his country including the Biden threat or we might have to withhold foreign aid. The Dembulbs took the running broad jump to start reading "election interference" into such a request since, after all, "Lunchbox Joe" is not only running for president, he's the so-called "front runner." They kept reading things into the conversation between the two presidents they they "thought" President Trump meant and then the Pencil-Neck Geek, Schiff-less himself opened the Intel Committee's hearings with a total fabrication of the released transcript of the phone call. It was disgusting on steroids and when called on it, claimed it was just a parody! Now I always heard the joke when I was an Army Intelligence officer that "Army Intelligence was a contradiction in terms" but the fact that a scumbag like Adam Schiff is in charge of the House Intelligence Committee is a bad practical joke! These sub-morons who claim to be so concerned about our Constitution (glad to hear they know we have one) but are clueless about what it says. I'm proud that we finally have a president who cares about how our money is being spent by foreign countries instead of being squandered. He is well within his Constitutional duties asking about the Biden connection that doesn't come close to passing the "smell test." But the media's olfactory nerves seem to be shot.

Listen for yourself to Schiff's pathetic open and you tell me if this opening statement sounded like a parody. Republicans are being criticized for not objecting initially but I contend that they were so shocked by Schiff's tone and how serious this was, they were probably scrambling to see where those quotes were in the transcript. Schiff is not supposed to be in the business of competing with Saturday Night Live. This is serious to say nothing of a complete waste of their time and taxpayer dollars. It's also a matter of national security, something that's totally foreign to Democretins. Our allies have to asking themselves if talking to the President of the United States on the phone is going to be exposed to the world by some congressional Trump-hater. And while they are wasting all this time on a phony story we have real problems to take care of like closing the boarder which the Dems oppose, the drug crisis and terrorist threats from the Taliban and others just to name a few. You tax dollars at work--oh wait, they NOT!

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