The significance of the demonstrators and demonstrations in Hong Kong is these are true freedom fighters on a par with our citizens in the Revolutionary War. Unlike the "snowflakes" who demonstrate over here who follow some left-wing phony hero, the Hong Kong demonstrators are, quite literally, putting their lives on the line. While China's patience is growing ever thinner, some demonstrators over there have been killed by police forces. It has been amazing to watch while our protestors go off on the new religion of "climate change" or "gun control" of "anti-Trump" or you-name-the left-wing cause have no fear that our police will open fire on them. Our police have died defending demonstrators like the Black Lives Matter cretins in Dallas . Our demonstrators burn and spit on the American flag.and listen to some kook tell them how bad America is while their counterparts in Hong Kong face the real possibility of real police brutality. But unlike our clueless protestors who have no understanding of what it's like to live under Communist dictators who have no regard for human life, the Hong Kong kids know and appreciate freedom and are willing to die for it. As talk show host Mark Steyn said on Fox and Friends over the weekend, "If Britain was the serious guarantor of Hong Kong's freedom as it is in law, they would be waving Union Jacks, but there not." They were waving American flags by the dozen and holding up the photo-shopped picture of Donald Trump on "Rocky's" body. Despite threats by the Chinese telling the demonstrators to settle down, they're not backing down. They are so grateful to President Donald Trump for showing his support, that it's not phony and giving lip service as ever president before him had, Trump is standing up for these true freedom fighters and making it part of his trade deal with the Chinese that they (the Chinese) need to live up to their bargain to let Hong Kong pretty much govern itself after it was turned back over to them by the Brits. And again, quoting Steyn, "If the People's Republic gets away with crushing Hong Kong then that basically says they can't be stopped, they're going to be the dominant super power of the 21st Century. Trump is the first American President in a generation that doesn't think that's a good thing."
So when will our demonstrators protest something important? Why don't these "lovers of the planet" and those who worry about pollution go demonstrating in San Francisco, Los Angeles ,Portland (Oregon) where tens of thousands of homeless are using the streets and sewer system as their restrooms with raw sewage going into rivers and the Pacific Ocean? This is a public health crisis where bubonic plague is breaking out. Police won't go into some of these homeless camps for fear of becoming infected with God-knows-what! But let these dingleberries see a turtle with a plastic straw in it's shell and they'll go nuts--though it's hard to tell "nuts" from their normal state.
God bless those protesters in Hong Kong and how embarrassing that they're waving American flags and singing our National Anthem while our demonstrators probably don't the words! Disgusting!