CEMA Enters the Final Stage (Operating Condition 1) at 6 PM
The Chatham Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) advanced to OPCON 1 at 6 PM. This the final stage before potential impacts in the next 24 hours.
Residents are encourage to remain aware that Chatham County is under a Hurricane Watch, Tropical Storm Warning and Storm Surge Warning. This means the possibility exists for tornadoes, tropical storm force winds, and storm surge for the affected areas.
Tropical storm force winds could arrive as early as noon (12pm) tomorrow. Furthermore, storm surge of 4-7 feet above normally dry ground is likely. These are higher levels than experienced during Hurricane Matthew. It is likely that Highway 80 going to Tybee Island will be inundated with water during high tide periods.
Rain fail is expect to be 4-6 inches, however, could be as high 10 inches depending on the track of the storm.
All residents of Chatham County are strongly encouraged to finalize preparedness efforts.