Georgia Park Named The Most Underrated Tourist Attraction In The State

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When planning a trip to a new city, you may research all the best spots to visit, including the most popular tourist attractions. However, sometimes it's worth veering off the beaten path to see other hidden gems that are worth taking the time to visit.

Travel Pulse looked at all the must-see attractions around the country that may not get the same amount of love as other popular spots, compiling a list of the most underrated tourist attraction in each state. According to the site:

"Overlooked, underappreciated yet still awesome, underrated attractions are located all over the USA, and oftentimes, they can provide just as big of a thrill as those A-list attractions on your bucket list."

According to Travel Pulse, Georgia's most underrated tourist attraction is Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park in Macon with Providence Canyon also earning a shoutout. Here's what the site had to say:

"Macon is home to one of the nation's most unheralded prehistoric American Indian sites: Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park. Here, you can learn all about the 12,000 years of continuous human habitation that shaped the site's history. Elsewhere, Providence Canyon — the second unheralded canyon on the list — provides a thrill to all who visit its eponymous state park in southwest Georgia. The result of farming practices that, well, didn't exactly go so well, the space fascinates and is also home to the rare Plumleaf Azalea, which only blooms in summer."

Check out Travel Pulse's full list to see more of the most underrated tourist attractions around the country.

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