About 2:00 Thursday morning (05-10-18) three Americans will once again touch down on American soil--Andrews Air Force Base to be specific--and they'll be met by the President of the United States. What's the big deal? They had been in a North Korean prison with little hope of getting out alive only a few days ago. The President said it was a potential sign of good will by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un as the three are returning with our new Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. During Wednesday's Cabinet meeting said, "I appreciate Kim Jong Un allowing this to happen."
The three men are Tony Kim, an accounting professor who had been working at a university in Pyongyang, who was detained in April 2017, Kim Hak-Song, who also worked at the university, was detained in May 2017 for "hostile acts" against North Korea, while Kim Dong-Chul was sentenced in April 2016 to 10 years in prison with hard labor for charges of espionage and subversion. Had this happened under the Dolly-Bama the Communist News Network; MS-DNC and the alphabet networks would be in orgasmic nirvana insisting he get yet another Nobel Peace Prize--one he actually earned this time. They would be interrupting programming and singing the praises of this "man of the world" who is so kind to let the rest of us flesh-and-blood creeps breath the same air that he does. Wall-to-wall coverage claiming that we've avoided a nuclear holocaust. But just watch the coverage and see what credit this president gets.
Think this would have happened under the Hildabeast? She would still be begging Kim not to shoot any more missiles...please release our guys (if she cared) and offering him more money. Taxpayer money, of course, not a dime from the Clinton Crime Syndicate. Kim would, of course, take the money and then offer all sorts of platitudes and we'd be no better off and neither would these prisoners.
Trump strikes again and the lamestream media can't stand it!