Among the things I wish for you this Christmas, or any other for that matter, is that special gift that you didn't see coming. A gift someone special gave you that literally took your breath away. One that obviously took thought, caring and a deep love for you that also is a part of who you are. Please share with us if that's happened to you--I sure hope it has. Or perhaps it was you who gave it. The price tag on such an item is irrelavent; it may have cost next to nothing or it could be astronomical or anywhere in between. The important thing it it was/is a gift from the heart. Can't wait to hear you's mine.
About 12 or 14 years ago my wife got me a radio. You're probably saying to yourself right now, "BIG DEAL! You're a radio talk show host, you've spent your life in radio and television so what's the big deal about getting a radio?" Most of you today have grown up in completely different technological era where radios are small, portable. You can put them in your pocket or strap them on your arm to go jogging or exercising. Some are simply an app on your phone. But once upon a time such was not the case. I'm talking about something from the Golden Age of Radio before the advent of transistors, printed circuit boards and miniaturization. This radio is a good 15 years older than me!
My wife does property management and one of her "owners" was a radio buff and had a garage full of early radios that his father and grandfather had helped collect. Pam found among them a 1932 Colonial C-399 (as close as I can find in my internet search.) which was a big floor model. Radios in those days doubled also as a fine piece of furniture with beautiful craftsmanship that would blend right in with other furniture in the living room or den. She had one of her carpenters refinish it for me and presented it to my one Christmas morning, circa 2003 or 2004. I was blown away! Something very special indeed with her understanding my love for radio and old enough to remember and hear the classic radio shows of the 1930s and 40s. I was familiar with many brands but "Colonial" was a new one on me.
Reluctantly I plugged it in and, thinking it might trip a breaker. turned it on. Watching from behind it brought back my memories from childhood when I'd watch our old radios warm up. There was no "instant on", the vacuum tubes in the set had to warm up...usually about ten seconds. So I watched it come to life as the tubes began to glow and it managed to pick up one station...WTKS! Not well, but there we were. Now it sits in our den as an old friend and piece of fine furniture and I love it. It warms my heart that my wife did something special that cost very little on the monetary side but absolutely priceless on the love and thoughtfulness side. A gift from the heart that to this day, warms mine.
Okay...your turn! Merry Christmas!!!