The first debate of the 2020 campaign took place Wednesday night in Miami and was an National Barack Channel (NBC) exclusive. It was Part One of the Democrat candidates debate because it's a double shot of the Dembulbs love. Thank God the rest of the television audience didn't have to look far to find entertainment--what little is left on television these days. The party of tolerance, love and understanding--has well over 20 candidates who want to destroy America so we can become like Venezuela and the braintrust at NBC decided to split it over two nights. The "light weights" took center stage Wednesday and the "heavy weights" on Thursday. The format was crazy with each candidate getting one minute to answer a question and 30 seconds for a rebut. Even for the most brilliant orators --and take my word none fit that category--would have trouble being cogent in that timeframe. So about all we learned from the first clambake was who hated President Trump the most. We heard from each one that this president had done nothing. One even said, "He just sits in the White House and gloats." Another ridiculous claim was that the economy wasn't working for everybody. My question was: "What planet are they living on?" It's remarkable what Donald Trump has accomplished in just over two years while having to fight off a the Russian collusion hoax, every Democretin in office (and some out), a hostile media and some so-called allies and--what's worse--his own party. The "economy that's not working" is skyrocketing. All those jobs that the former occupant of the White House told us would never return and rebounding big time now that he's partially unleashed the free enterprise system and if he'd let it go entirely, not even the sky would be the limit. Everywhere you go there are "help wanted" signs up. One convenience store here was offering $1,000 signing bonuses for hiring. The State of Georgia advertising 100,000 jobs we're looking to fill...and those are just the advertised positions. And the shortage of workers is naturally driving wages UP. The Dems are so out of touch it's pathetic and frankly, they're just making things up.
The other issue that took up a lot of airtime was the immigration issue. Funny that it was a "manufactured" crisis only a few weeks ago and suddenly reality is setting in so they are shamelessly using the photo of a father and daughter who drowned trying to cross the Rio Grande. It's interesting that the media won't show us the slaughter of Christians and soldiers being killed by our enemies because it's "too graphic" yet we've seen an equally-too graphic picture ad nauseum since it can be weaponized against President Trump. They are blaming him for the boarder crisis when the Dembulbs are the ones who have put up a virtual neon sign around the world letting people know that if you can get to Mexico and across the U. S. boarder, you won't be sent home. This is resulting in illegals coming in from places like the Congo. The Congo? Exactly how did they get across that wide gap between Africa and Mexico better known as the Atlantic Ocean? Where, pray tell, did they get the money making what amounts to about $50 a year here--if that much. The idiots on stage Wednesday night all seemed to agree that we should be welcoming one and all with open arms and giving them all the food, water, medical care, shelter, and money without vetting them in any way shape or form.
We are being overwhelmed at the boarder and the same Congress--like those on stage--are demanding we do more. And to add insult to injury, vilifying the boarder patrol agents and ICE for enforcing the laws Congress has created while giving them no extra money to carry out what's being demanded. Yet these sub-morons (and I mean that with the utmost respect) are actually comparing these brave law enforcement officers to Nazis and some demanding that ICE be dismantled. It's disgusting and if any one of them is--God forbid--elected the the presidency you can say goodbye to America. These people are dangerous! They are talking about destroying this country by claiming to being supporters of the Constitution yet only the portions they like; enforcing only the laws they agree with; getting rid of the electoral college. I truly believed we saved America in the last election and I wish to the Almighty the Republicans had realized and understood the significance of the 2016 result. We are sick and tired of the promises made by politicians on the campaign trail only to get in office and do nothing they campaigned on--getting rid of Obama Care comes to mind but there are thousands of broken promises elsewhere.
So pray for America--the real America--and pray that NONE of these people is elected!