Okay, I'm getting old so maybe I just don't remember but as I recall I don't remember the Dembulbs and the lamestream media (but I repeat myself) screaming, "Nobody is above the law, not even the President of the United States when Barry Sotoro was in office. But Donald Trump hadn't been in office more than about 15 minutes before we started hearing it ad nauseam ever since. If he signed an executive order, if he ordered a troop movement, if he wished his wife a happy birthday, if he orders illegals deported--you name it.
Well, if nobody is above the law, why are we letting so many of God's children--to quote Nancy Pulousy--into this country in droves without proper credentials, without screening them for diseases, without checking for criminal background? Just askin'! As of now we have untold millions of illegal aliens in the country, many of whom cannot speak English, but that's okay, we'll learn Spanish, while hundreds of thousands pour in monthly. Then, we "process" them by giving them a court date--usually two or three years down the road--and we'll hear their case. Actually we won't hear their case because 99.9 percent never show up, what's more is this doesn't seem to bother the media or the lawmakers or most citizens for that matter.
So let me get this straight--no one is above the law (not even the President of the United States, right?) yet we have millions into this country whose very first act is breaking the law. Then they break the law by not showing up for their court date, they break the law by staying here. What's worse, many of them commit crimes, horrible crimes from armed robbery, rape, driving drunk and killing somebody, or in Kate Steinly's case in San Francisco is killed by an illegal alien picking up a gun he mistook for a stick or something, pulls the trigger, hits Kate and she dies in her father's arms. Turns out he had been deported five or six times and his punishment for murdering this beautiful 32-year-old lady--remember she died in her father's arms while begging him to help her--was something like six months, a sentence one might get for a third shoplifting offense. This tragic story that was completely unnecessary if the political leaders would live up to their oath of office to protect the honest, law-abiding citizens of their communities. This scum-bag should have been arrested the FIRST time he came back in the country. But this story, in different forms, has been repeated over and over and the left that seems to be so concerned about the precious "families" being separated at our southern boarder don't seem to be phased by legal families being separated permanently from their loved ones.
The most pathetic and disgusting excuse these cretins give when questioned about an illegal (which is EXACTLY what they are) killing someone their retort is something like, "Well, crime happens." Fox News reporter Geraldo Rivera stands up for his fellow Hispanics all the time on the tenuous logic that legal Americans commit crimes too! How does that grab ya? So if I have this straight maybe the President of the United States isn't above the law, but illegal aliens sure are! They are the living example of the old cliche' "they can get away with murder." When and how did these people become so sacred? How come they're above the law? Why are we allowing this? I had a dear friend killed down in Brunswick a few years back by a drunk illegal alien and I miss her and grieve for her family. My worry is that could happen to my wife, son, daughter, granddaughters and grandsons--uh, another best friend or me! None of these acts, accidental or deliberate, would be totally preventable and unnecessary and yet the "powers that be" who are supposed to be protecting us legal folk could care less.
Why? It couldn't possibly be that most of these illegals wind up getting to vote--no matter what they tell you--and they vote overwhelmingly for--wait for it--DEMOCRATS!-and it's hard to beat Santa Claus. If they suddenly tomorrow started voting Republican you can bet your life the Democretins would be quadrupling the ICE and Boarder Control budget, chartering 747s, C-5s, buses, and trains to round them up and send them back south. And the lamestream media would be singing their praises telling us how important this was for "national security" and the protection of our citizens. It's a crying shame they're not excoriating those same Democretins for NOT doing it now. Disgusting...and I pray you never suffer the loss of a loved one or yourself because they're NOT doing their job now.