Protest from the right or just plain decent human beings has finally made a dent the the left's armor in Hollywierd. The controversial (to say the least) Universal picture The Hunt will not be distributed in theaters after an overwhelming outcry from millions, including President Trump. The producers who came up with this sick plot in which "elites" (a-k-a liberals) hunt "deplorables" (a-k-a Trump voters/supporters) in red states for sport and fun had the unmitigated gall to say this piece of junk was a "satire.' Universal has now canceled next month's planned release. Now the greater-than-thou elites out there said the decision comes after the shootings in El Paso and Dayton besides the president's criticism. Last week we told you that these caring souls had suspended the film's ad campaign in the wake of those shootings because they are sooooo sensitive about our feelings. Now they have further decided to cancel it...GOOD!
Here's what they actually said and you be the judge: "We understand that now is not the right time to release this film." NOW IS NOT THE RIGHT TIME? Exactly when IS the "right time" to release a film where human beings hunt down other human beings for sport? Of course one of the lines from what would have been an Academy Award winner, one of the female executives in charge of these hunts says, "They're not human." Of course we're not in their eyes, we're the scum of the earth who voted for and support Donald Trump. This from the same minds who thought this crap up in the first place. These are the same cretins who are threatening to pull their productions out of Georgia because we want to save the lives of unborn babies which, in case these towers of brilliance don't seem to realize is their future audience. No wonder they don't want to make movies here, they're making a movie about killing "deplorables" which I guess they feel is a retroactive abortion. But these sensitive souls in Tinsel Town have suddenly had a change of heart and perhaps someone with an IQ at least in double figures explained to them that they just might be fomenting the same hatred they believe precipitated the recent shootings because of something the president said. Giving them too much credit perhaps, they've been shamed into this. They didn't spend millions of dollars, months of shooting and promotion and running release prints to just have a change of heart at the last moment because of the latest mass shootings.
We won, this time but these sickos are still there and they'll come up with something else just as pathetic disgusting. And the equally-deranged actors will go along with it. Satin never sleeps and neither should we! Ever vigilant is the only option.