With another six police officers shot in Philadelphia Wednesday (08-14-19)--thank God they were all treated and released--while I didn't hear the lamestream media blame President Trump (yet) they didn't blame our former president either who really put the "r" back in "racism" and fomented the most anti-police atmosphere in our nation's history either. So far there have been 27 police officers murdered in the line of duty this year--including one here and it's becoming way too common. One former area police chief posted on his Instagram account that it's the worst he's ever seen--and he has a lot of years under his gun belt.
When I took my oath as an 2nd lieutenant in the United States Army I pledged to defend this country against ALL enemies both foreign and domestic. Never in my wildest dreams as a 22-year-old did I ever imagine that I'd be in fear of the domestic terrorists more than the foreign. But here we are and the demonstrators I see now are truly petrifying using tactics that are clearly evil and deadly as you can tell from the Antifa poster displayed here. A person wearing a "MAGA" cap is being confronted with--dare we say it--an assault rifle--with bayonet attached. This isn't meant to be a cartoon, this is their true feelings and the most terrifying part of it is, they may very well carry this out.
Once upon a time we brushed them off as insignificant; just part of the lunatic fringe who could be ignored. But it's proven to be as big a mistake as ignoring cancer--not only does it not go away, it gets worse. Antifa and their confederates are becoming increasingly radical and increasingly lethal. They seem no more concerned about killing someone they don't agree with as you and I would think about stepping on a roach--"good riddance!" It has almost come to that in Portland, Oregon a few weeks back when conservative journalist Andy Ngo who was trying only to report what was happening was beaten within an inch of his life by Antifa militants while police just watched. Ngo required hospitalization and suffered a brain bleed that could have taken his life or caused irreparable damage. Fortunately he seems to have recovered though there may still be residual affects. NO apology from the left or the media--oops didn't mean to be redundant--nor the idiot mayor who'd ordered the police to stand down. And they did a darn fine job of it too as Ngo was severely beaten and "milkshaked." Another new tactic of the left of throwing what looks like a milkshake on someone that's actually a mixture of quick-drying cement that will not come out of clothing, nor is it easily washed off. At least some of the LGBTX (or whatever they've added this week) spoke out against the attack since--in case you didn't know--Ngo is gay.
The "tolerant" left is getting more and more bold with these reprehensible tactics. Trump supporters, workers and family have had drinks thrown at them and in Eric Trump's case, spit upon by restaurant servers and others. Former White House spokeswoman Sara Sanders and her family were thrown out of a restaurant . Antifa thugs showed up at the home of Fox News host Tucker Carlson to intimidate him and his family shouting: "Tucker Carlson we will fight, we know where you sleep at night." The left sure loves poetry and prose! And with the anti-cop rhetoric getting louder and louder as goons are now running up to police and throwing water on them. Police are told to resist the natural law-enforcement reaction of arresting them. But as we continue to tolerate these acts how long before the cup contains urine, quick drying cement, or--God forbid--battery acid? The "ignore it and it'll go away" attitude is not a successful strategy. It's like the aforementioned cancer or weeds in your garden--ignoring it is not an option.
And now the target, as we mentioned in yesterday's blog, is ICE and using the best Saul Olenski tactics (see Rules for Radicals) also attacking anyone who works with them. There was a nasty demonstration outside the offices of a company doing business with ICE this week shouting, "We know your children's names!" "We know where you live." This is to get at ICE through the "backdoor" by going after their suppliers. This could easily get these companies intimidated enough to brake off their relationship worried for their safety. With Antifa's track record I can understand their concern. Former Armstrong professor Bill Daugherty was a Marine fighter pilot in Viet Nam who went to work for the CIA afterward and was assigned to our embassy in Iran and was there when the peace-loving Muslims took over the place. He was their guest for the next 444 days and one of the most chilling stories he relates about these terrorists was their vast knowledge about their "guests. One of Bill's colleagues came out of their interrogation meetings visibly shaken. He was told if they didn't get intelligence from him that they--the terrorists--knew where his family lived in Virginia and backed it up with evidence giving him the specific address, the name of his child, the number of the school bus she rode, when and where she was picked up and dropped off and the times. They also had a detailed sketch of her school. This was 1979--no internet, no cell phones yet the terrorists knew that and more. The implication was quite clear. Kinda sounds like these Antifa terrorists today.
Why and how these Democretin mayors and other political leaders allow this anarchy to go on at all--and worse yet--unpunished is beyond comprehension unless they are on board with destroying their communities and the country. They--along with the lamestream media--want to justify these terrorist demonstrations and harming people they don't agree with by cloaking it in Antifa's (and others) with their alleged First Amendment rights. This is the same crowd that hates America and the Constitution hiding behind same. You can't make this stuff up!
Any protest group that shows up wearing masks need to be arrested immediately. The police need to bring in the old "paddy wagons" and round these disgusting anarchists up and put them behind bars. And if the sympathizers think they won't become victims of these creeps they're dumber than even I thought they were. This garbage has to stop!