President Donald Trump sent a clear message over the weekend: There’s a new sheriff in town and you don’t want to mess with us! Glenn reviews what happened when Colombia’s president refused to let US planes carrying deported illegal immigrants land. Long story short, he quickly changed his mind after Trump threatened massive tariffs. Glenn explains multiple reasons why this matters, including that it shows Trump is serious about “America First.” Plus, Glenn reviews some other big Trump moves, including his comments on ending FEMA and big changes to USAID and foreign aid reviews.
Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: This is J.D. Vance, I believe. Cut four.
VOICE: Well, this is a country founded by immigrants. This is a country -- this is a very unique country. And it was found by some immigrants and some settlers. But just because we were founded by some immigrants, doesn't mean that 240 years later, that we have to have the dumbest immigration policy in the world.
GLENN: So they're just going for it. Just going for it. No more catch and release. No more waiving of migrants across the border without proper vetting. It's all over. Proper vetting, by the way, here's J.D. Vance again. Cut three.
VOICE: When you talked to us in August, you said, I don't think we should abandon anybody who has been properly vetted and helped us.
Do you stand by that?
VOICE: I don't agree all these immigrants or all these refugees have been properly vetted.
In fact, we know that there are cases of people who allegedly were properly vetted and then were literally planning terrorist attacks on our country.
That happened during the campaign if you remember. So clearly not the all these --
VOICE: There were 30,000 people in the pipeline, Afghan refugees. Do you stand by it?
VOICE: As the vice president, Margaret, is to look after the American people. And now that he we know we have vetting problems with a lot of these refugee programs, we absolutely cannot unleash thousands of unvetted people into our country.
VOICE: These people are vetted. These people are vetted.
GLENN: This is so ridiculous.
VOICE: Just like that guy who planned a terrorist attack in Oklahoma a few months ago. He was allegedly properly vetted, and many people in the media and the Democratic Party said he was properly vetted. Clearly, he wasn't.
VOICE: Yeah.
VOICE: I don't want my children to share a neighborhood with people who are not properly vetted. And because I don't want it for my kids, I won't force any other American citizen's kids to do it either.
VOICE: No, and that was a particular case. It wasn't clear if he was radicalized when he got here. Or --
VOICE: I don't really care, Margaret. I don't want that person in my country, and I think most Americans agree with me.
GLENN: I so love the fact that the media still just cannot get their arms around common sense.
STU: This guy will stop getting booked. He will stop getting interviews. They're going to stop asking him. He's winning too much. They're not even going to allow this to occur.
GLENN: Yeah. Okay. So last week, President Trump made it clear males are males. Females are females. The two shall never meet in school bathrooms and athletics, and areas where sexes are sensibly separated for the safety and privacy of women.
He also pulled out -- America out of the China-fawning Communist-enabling World Health Organization, yanked America from the Paris Climate Agreement.
He designated cartels and terror groups as terrorist groups. I have to tell you, the cartel thing, you watch. They're just going to start disappearing. They're just going to start disappearing.
What happened, what happened to Geraldo?
Hmm. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what happened.
STU: Geraldo. It's not the Geraldo?
GLENN: Yeah, it is. That's who I was thinking. I think he's a drug cartel member.
I'm just saying. I'm just saying.
Anyway, he also called on his Treasury and Commerce chiefs to root out all unfair trade practices and recommend America first policies. And to take their places. He started the External Revenue Service to take money from foreign sources.
He banned government officials from using social media as a tool of censorship and propaganda.
He got rid of all of the climate change mandates and the electrical vehicle thing.
It was a snowstorm of Biblical proportions yesterday. Or last week.
And he sent the clear message: New sheriff in town. I don't think you're going to want to screw with us.
Then he went to North Carolina, who is still suffering. And he told them, you know what, I think I will get rid of FEMA.
STU: Woo.
GLENN: So then he went to California. And, oh, wasn't that satisfying?
So let me get into what happened, just over the weekend. First story, probably the most important story.
I don't know. You might have been watching football like I was, yesterday. And Stu was.
But there was something really important going on all day yesterday, with Columbia.
And I have to tell you, this was incredible. To have a president, who is like, I don't care. I don't care.
I don't care what you say. You're Columbia. We're the United States of America. You're taking your -- your illegals back.
So here's what happened: We start to deport, and we let Columbia know, that two aircraft are coming their way with their citizens who were in jail.
And we're flying them back. So these are the prisoners that they let out. And shipped them to the United States. We're shipping them back. Halfway there, the president of Columbia says, no. Close the airspace to those planes. They're not coming in. We're not taking those people back.
So President Trump, who is on the golf course. Hears that. And says, oh!
Well, turn the planes around. And bring them back. But just tell the president of Columbia, I'm going to put -- I think he said a 25 percent tax to everything they sell to the United States.
And so the Columbian president said, okay. Okay. Okay.
I tell you what, when they get down to the ground, I'll send my presidential aircraft to go pick them up.
Okay? But then, after that, a couple hours passed, and he's like, yeah. You know what, they are being bullies. We've got a lot of leverage here.
And he said, so, we will pick them up. But we're not going to let you do anything with your military around Columbia. And Donald Trump said, perfect. Okay.
We're cutting your foreign aid. We're stop -- we're closing our embassy. We're stopping everything in Columbia.
It was -- I don't know. Maybe 20 minutes went by. And he was tweeting. Just reached a deal with the United States. We're good. We are good!
STU: I believe his exact quote was, thank you, sir. May I have another? It was unbelievable.
GLENN: That is exactly. Exactly.
Okay. So this matters for a lot of reasons.
One, it's showing, the United States is going to do what is best for the United States.
If you sent people here, you're taking your people back. Because they're not our people. And we're not dealing with it. You sent them!
We told you, take them back.
You won't?
Well, then the United States is going to exercise its powers.
It is good for Americans. Good for national security.
But this not only affects the US and Columbia, this -- he puts a couple of these things on his belt, and nobody is going to screw with us.
Do you see, he is playing -- he's playing five-dimensional chess with Putin right now. He is moving things around, and pushing -- I mean, he is in full-fledged negotiation with Putin to get the war stopped. But he also wants a renewed nuclear treaty with Russia.
He's freaked by our nukes. And he told me, at one point. He said, Glenn. Well, he said this also with Elon Musk. On -- on Musk X broadcast. He said, I'm freaked by nuclear. I rebuilt this.
I know what it can do. We don't want ever to open any of this stuff up.
And so what he's doing is he's trying to end the war. But he's also pushing Putin and kind of kicking at him, because he's actually going for a bigger deal. This guy is -- I mean, he's really learned a lot in the last four years.
Now, this is also going to help our jobs here, in America. And, you know, I want to look at everything he does, and say, is he -- is he following conservative values, or are we going into -- what was it, that the New York Times said? Signs of --
STU: Yeah. This is funny. This is the AI summary of the New York Times coverage over the past like 24 hours. And it says, let me see if I can pull it up. Here it is. Trump return to power. Early signs of tyranny. Kansas City will play Philadelphia in Super Bowl. That's what they've been covering lately.
GLENN: Signs of tyranny.
STU: Signs of tyranny. Just throw it out there.
GLENN: So I want to know, are these signs of tyranny? Or is he following our principles as conservatives?
First, a nation without laws or borders, isn't a nation.
The answer is no!
If we don't equally apply our laws, to everyone, can there be equality?
Can there be equal justice under the law?
The answer is no! He's also protecting American workers by taking the unfair competition out.
I mean, I don't know if you've seen some of these places, where nobody is showing up for work now.
There was this huge construction site, like eight workers showed up. Everybody else wasn't there. I mean, they couldn't do anything. They couldn't build everything. Because they had eight Americans. The rest of them are illegals. Well, now America, go take those jobs back.
Demand the right salary from those people.
The next thing he did was America-first foreign aid. He just released a memo that instructs the US agency for international development. This is absolutely a CIA front. USAID, to prioritize America first in foreign aid reviews. Now, this is a very big deal.
Because USA ID has been a CIA and, honestly, Marxist kind of operation. They've taken your tax dollars.
And they've done all kinds of horrible things with them.
And they have given them to our enemies. And they still have been giving it to our enemies, and they're bribes.
That's all this is.
You do not garner love and respect from people you are bribing. And that's what our State Department and USA ID think they're doing.
Is, well, we've got to give them this money, or they won't like us. Well, I don't want them to like us because we give them money. That's the worst kind of relationship.