Bulloch County proposes jail expansion in SPLOST refiguration

STATESBORO, Ga. (WSAV) – Bulloch County officials are updating the Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) and deciding new ways to spend the money.

One cent out of every dollar spent within the county goes towards the SPLOST fund. The county isn’t adding an additional penny. They’re redefining their spending goals with the existing SPLOST percentage for the next six years.

"We try to be very comprehensive in covering all of our capital outlay needs but we may end up sacrificing some bigger things that we want until a future SPLOST,” said county manager Tom Couch.

Two projects will come right off the top of the fund. About $60 million will go towards an expansion to the jail and about $10 million will go towards securing more landfill space.

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The money left over from their $148 million projection will be split between Statesboro, Portal, Brooklet and Register.

"With the population growth and growth in shopping and spending, that could put us above 148,” said Couch.

He told News 3 that he knows a jail expansion isn't the most exciting project, but given its capacity projections for 2027, he says it's a necessary expense.

"We have a growing population, unfortunately sometimes crime grows concurrent with it,” said Couch.

He anticipates cities will use their portions of the fund to beef up public safety and public works departments, but ultimately, they will put together a wishlist and see what can be done.

After that, residents have the chance to vote yay or nay on their spending plan.

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